Scientific Revolution

By bower8
  • William Gilbert

    William Gilbert
    William Gilbert published a book in 1600 called "De Magnete". It explained all of his research in magnetics, and electricity. Even though many scientific theorys were shattered by this he was the first person to completely explain how a magnetic compass worked. He then later said that the earth was a magnetic planet with polarity that corresponded to its north and south poles. William's new ideas inspired the astronomer Galileo.
  • Period: to

    Scientific Revolution

  • Galileo Galilei

    Galileo Galilei
    Galileo used his mathematics to invent the telescope from the spyglass. Which he then became the first person to look at the moon. He also discovered the four moons orbiting around Jupiter. Galileo also used his invention to study Saturn, the phases of Venus and the sunspots on the Sun. His discoveries strengthened his belief in Copernicus' theory that the Earth revolves around the Sun along with all of the other planets.
  • Thirty Years War

    Thirty Years War
    In 1618 the thirty years war breaks out. It last until 1648. it all started when the Roman Empire wanted to make Ferdinand on the throne of Bohemia.
  • Johannes Kepler

    Johannes Kepler
    In 1627 Johannes published the Rudolphine Tables. It was based on the observations of Tycho Brache. The Rudolphie Tables are planetary tables and star catology's.
  • Johannes Kelper "Somnium"

    Johannes Kelper "Somnium"
    In 1634 the book "Somnium" was published after Kelper's death. It is said to be one of the first science fiction writing. The book includes lunar astronomy and a narrative about a trip to the moon. Also, "Somnium" made a great contribution to the sutdy of astronomy.
  • Johannes Hevelius

    Johannes Hevelius
    Johannes Hevelius' main work was his "Selenographie". He engraved illustrations in copperplate, which were of the moon. He first produced a topographic of the moon's surface. He also included long descriptions of the moons phases, and the moons librations.
  • Christian Huygens

    Christian Huygens
    In the year of 1654 Christian focused on ways to improve the telescope. He found new ways of grinding and polishing the lenses. His new discoverie helped him answer many astromical questions, such as, the nature of Saturns appendage.
  • Robert Hooke

    Robert Hooke
    Robert Hooke was the first person to discover cells and was given credit to finding the building blocks of life. In 1665 he published his book "Micrographia". He had started the cell theory.
  • John Mayow

    John Mayow
    John Mayow's ideas where thought to be borrowed by some. He believed that the reason for breathing was to transfer the fine nitrous particles from the air to the blood. And also that "nitrous air" was nessecary to live, and to keep your heart beating. Mayow also said that the lack of enough "nitrous air" would result in the stopping of ones heart, which would bring you to death, and the body needs to animal spirits to throughout there body.
  • Gian Domenico Cassini

    Gian Domenico Cassini
    In 1683 Cassini began to look at the measurement of the meridian's arc. (Longitude line) From his discoveries he said that at the poles it is somewhat flattened. He rejected Joahnnes Kelper's theory.
  • Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton
    In 1687 Newton discovers gravity. He discovers gravity by an apple falling from a tree on his head. He said that gravity forces things down, that if a pencil fell off a desk then it would hit the floor not the ceiling.
  • Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton
    In 1687 Newton published his book Principia. It is one of the most important books on natural philosophy. It presents new mathamatcial physics.
  • Treatsie On Light By Christian Huygens

    Treatsie On Light By Christian Huygens
    In 1690 Christian Huygens published his "Treatsie on Light". And in this he explained and expounded the undulatory theory. Also known as the wave theory. It was a theory that Hooke and Huygens both discovered together.
  • Issac Newton

    Issac Newton
    Newton published his book "Opticks". It was his most widely read book yet. The most provocative part of his book was at the end and it was called "Queries". This section gave opinions and opsing questions on light, matter, and forces of nature.
  • John Flamsteed

    John Flamsteed
    In 1712 John Flamsteed published his book "Historia Coelstis Briannica". It listed more then 3,000 stars, along with their positions. This star catalog was more accurate then any other catalog of its time.
  • Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton
    Isaac Newton died on March 18th. He had published four editions of Opticks. Newtons ideas and theory would continue to live even though he was gone.
  • Benjamin Franklin

    Benjamin Franklin
    On a stormy day in 1752 Franklin raised his kite with a key on it and lightning struck it. He felt the electricity run through his body, and this is how he discovered electricity. And now because of his dscovery we have computers, tvs, lamps, ect,
  • Mikhail Lomonosov

    Mikhail Lomonosov
    In 1761 Lomonosov discovered the atmosphere of venus at the observatory in St. Petersburg. He detected the refraction of solar rays when observing the transition of the planet across the disk of the sun. From his discoveries he explained the appearence of the ring around Venus' night disk.
  • William Herschel

    William Herschel
    In March William was looking at the stars through his telescope and noticed a star-like figure. He knew then that it wasn't a star. It was a planet, Uranus. He had discovered Uranus with his home-made telescope.
  • Antoine Lavoisier

    Antoine Lavoisier
    In 1789 Lavoisier published a book called "Elementary Treatsie of Chemistry". It gave a direct definition of the Law of Conservation of Mass and also denied the exsistance of phlogiston. He also included a list of elements that could be broken down even further, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen,etc.