
seanv7s microscope thing

  • 100

    the first real user of a microscope

    the first real user of a microscope
    Anton van Leeuwenhoek was first to build a real one and use it
  • the magnification of the first microscope

    the magnification of the first microscope
    the magnification was 9x and the vision was blurry
  • things about micro scopes

    things about micro scopes
    when using one the thing you look through is 10x the magnification and the scopes at the bottom have their own magnification and you need to times that by the lens
  • the first microscope

    the first microscope
    Zacharias Jansen and his dad where messing with lenses and put like 7 in a tube
  • a dude named hooke

    a dude named hooke
    this dude named hooke did somthing called Micrographia in 1665 and i think is was where he looked at stuff and drawed it