
  • Sedition Act

    Sedition Act
    Authorized the president to arrest & deport immigrants who criticzied the federal government and allowed juries to accluit defendents who proved the literal truth of their statements.
  • Underground Railroad

    Underground Railroad
    The Underground Railroad was a network of secret routes and safe houses used by 19th-century enslaved people of African descent in the United States in efforts to escape to free states and Canada with the aid of abolitionists and allies who were sympathetic to their cause.
  • Abolitionist movement

    Abolitionist movement
    Abolitionism is a movement to end slavery, whether formal or informal. In Western Europe and the Americas, abolitionism was a historical movement to end the African and Indian slave trade and set slaves free.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    Bleeding Kansas, Bloody Kansas or the Border War was a series of violent political confrontations in the United States involving anti-slavery Free-Staters and pro-slavery "Border Ruffian" elements in Kansas between 1854 and 1861.
  • Nat Turner rebelion