Semester 1 Timeline

  • Pocahontos

    Pocahontas was a Native American who interpreted for John Smith and his colony while they were stayed in the area that would become Virginia. John Smith claims that he was saved by a young girl from the Turkish people in 1602, and when he comes to North America he came up with another story that is almost identical but involving Pocahontas.
    (Cayton et al. #47)
  • Stamp Act

    The stamp act was passed by the British Parliament to place taxes on the American colonies. The taxes were on all legal documents, marriage licenses, wills, ect.. Most of the colonists resisted paying taxes. This act led to groups forming like the sons of liberty, and made the colonists aware of how important their identities and interests were.
    (Cayton et al. #111)
  • Great Awakening

    This term represents the time period of American religious history. Historians recognize this as a wave of increased religion occurring in the 18th to 19th centuries. Many different ministers supported the great awakening. Different ways of teaching religion began to form over the century. Leaders of the awakening wanted to see more of an emotional reaction from the people then anything else. They would look in the crowds of people for how they reacted to the sermons the preachers would give.
  • French&Indian War

    This war was also called the 7 years war. The British people living in England were already very heavily taxed, so by raising taxes on the Americans it would help the British pay the expenses for war. The colonists were not happy at all, they did not want the taxes, this lead to outrages and cries from the colonists. The British eventually took away the taxes because of these outbursts, but now every product would need to have a stamp on them, and the stamps price was extremely high, this led to
  • Sugar Act

    This was established to make sure the King’s sugar was secure and encouraged. The sugar act had the biggest impact on merchants. This act represented a huge change in policy, granting certain duties in the British colonies and plantations in America.
  • Quartering Act

    This act was made to amend the likings of his Majesty in America, and for the better payment of the army and their quarters. It required the colonies to provide housing and supplies for the British troops who remained in America after the French and Indian War.
    (Cayton et al. #111)
  • Boston Massacre

    The United States was still part of a colony with the British. British troops were stationed in Boston in order to protect important officials of the colony. The soldiers fired into the crowd with no orders and created a chaos. This was on the events that led to the United States leaving their colony with Britain.
  • Boston Tea Party

    People in Boston were against the British government and refused to send refused to send back three of their ships full of tea. The Americans were not happy with the British taxing them on tea, they thought it was unfair. This was a big event that eventually began the American Revolutionary War.
  • Revolutionary War

    This war was a result of the political American Revolution, caused by the British Stamp act. It started as war between the kingdom of great britain in north america to a global war between several strong powers.
  • Declaration of Independence

    The declaration wasn’t only important to the United States; the U.S became a huge role model for other countries. This document led to our Independence from King George, gave the power to speak their opinions and gave us the right to revolt against the government that no longer guaranteed us our natural rights. The declaration also states important beliefs that the American citizens have.
  • Intolerable Acts

    The government spent a lot of money on troops and equipment. Another name for it is the Coercive Acts. They closed Boston Harbor until the tea that was destroyed during the tea party was paid for. Colonists had to house troops and many of the colonists became angered over this.
    (Cayton et al. #113)
  • Battle of Saratoga

    British General Howe moved his 15,000 member army from New York to attack the capital. Washington's 10,500 defenders were defeated at Brandywine Creek. Later that month the British occupied Philadelphia, as the Congress fled again.
    (Cayton et al. #578)
  • Child Labor

    Children were put to use in unsafe conditions, and dangerous jobs because there were children available to do these jobs, they didn’t know any better, they didn’t know they could strike on the business owners, physically they were perfect for tons of jobs that adults could not complete. This was during the industrialism period where new factories were being built and the owners thought that children were perfect for these jobs.
  • Great Compromise

    This was an agreement that the large states and small states reached during the constituational convention. stating that each state should be represetned equally and structured by the United States constitution.
  • Mercantilism

    Mercantilism is a doctrine in the government that controls foreign trade. In this trading countries were more concerned about having “stuff” rather than having more money. The government was mainly in control of the country’s trade ability. This caused most of the wars in Europe at the time.
  • War of 1812

    Americans believed that the British were responsible for the increase in attacks by Native Americans against settlers. The British continued the practice of impressment. They also continued to interefere with American shipping. The War Hawks led a groundswell of support to go to war versus Britain. In June 1812 Madison formally asks the U.S. Congress to declare war against Britain.
    (Cayton et al. #432)
  • Cherokee Resistance

    The Cherokees issued a public statement. The Cherokees brought their case to the Supreme Court in 1832. Georgia had no authority over the Cherokee territory. The U.S. army rounded up more than 15,000 Cherokee's and made them walk the 16 day forced marched of the Trail of Tears. One out of four died of cold or disease. It was a very gruesome walk that will forever be remembered.
    (Cayton et al. #567)
  • Labor Unions

    They were organizations of workers that formed to protect th interest of its members. The National Trades Union is the first labor union organized. The people went on strike due to low pay and high hours. They wanted high pay and shorter hours. The significance is that people in the labor unions showed that they were willing to take action against their employers.
    (Cayton et al. 283-84)
  • Manifest Destiny

    This was a belief that the United States had a right to expand westward. The people in charge of this were the Democratic Republicans. This became less used towards the middle of the 19th century. White Americans thought that all of the land the natives were belonged to them. They made the natives move west, putting them through horrible situations like the Trail of Tears.
  • Waves of Immigration

    The first wave of immigration occured mid-late 1800's. 10 million immigrants, mostly European and Chinese immigrated to the U.S. The second wave was in the early 1900's when Europeans, Russians, Jews, Eastern Europeans, and Asians immigrated. The significance of immigrating was that it opened up many oppurtunities, a new life, better safety, and freedom.
    Siemborski, Robert, and Jonathon Lee. "Peaks/Waves of Immigration." American Immigration, 2004. Web. 6 Feb. 2012. <
  • Black codes

    These were laws that were put into order that affected the basic human rights and the rights of the blacks. Black codes were often referred to as labor, migration and other activity control after the civil war. The black codes were mainly representing the white Texans that did not feel that blacks were equal to them at all and there needed to be black labor. These codes and laws were disabled right when the American Civil war ended through all states, they were seen as effective tools, but the g
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Southerners began to compete to win the region for their section. A war of revenge broke out in Kansas. They had 2 legislatures one pro slavery and one against. This caused southerners to ransack northern farms taking everything with them. The violence won the territory the grim name of "Bleeding Kansas."
    (Cayton et al. #364).
  • Harper's Ferry

    John Brown s hoping to capture federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry Virginia, and arm slaves. The towns people were worried and crowded streets with weapons, trapping Brown's men. Brown was compared to being Jesus. This had the northerners convincing the south that all they wanted was free states.
    (Cayton et al. #545)
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Supreme Court said because is black he doesn't have the same rights. This raised the question if the Supreme Court is constitutional or not. They handed down one of the more controversial decisions in history. It all started when Dred Scott filed against his owner. The court ruled 7 to 2 against Scott and therefore all slaves weren't citizens and had no right to sue in court.
    (Cayton et al. #365)
  • Child Labor

    Child laborers were very poor some didn't even have shoes. The dangerous jobs were miners and working in textile mills. Girls took factory jobs as young as 6. Children were 18% of the workforce at the time and they didnt have time for education therefore, they had no oppurtunities for other jobs. The significance is that the children's wages was the difference between going hungry or having food on the table.
    (Cayton et al. #459)
  • Battle of Antietam

    This was when Lee invaded the North. He thought by doing so that he would turn the tide of opinions on the war in the North to being against war. However one of McClellan's soldiers found a copy of Lee's (Confederate) orders. Lee now prepared for the Union attack. The significance is that it was the bloodiest single day in the Civil War. Cayton, Andrew R. L., Elisabeth Israels. Perry, and Allan M. Winkle. America: Pathways to the Present. Needham, MA: Prentice Hall, 1995. Print.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    This was when President Abraham Lincoln's personal beliefs to undermine the Confederacy from within, have former slaves on the side of the Union, and to prevent Europe from intervening. It declared slaves in the Confederacy free, however border states were not included. The significance was that it laid out the groundwork for the eventual freeing of all slaves.
    (Cayton et al. #395) (Cayton et al. 395)
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Lee marches his forces to the North as well as the Union army in what became a three-day battle. The Confederates and Union both moved northward. Lee launched a surprise attack on the Union however, they repelled. Then the Union blockaded and the South's lack of resources were weakening their army. This eventually led to Lee's surrender. The significance is that it was the largest battle of the war with many casulaties and Lee never launched another attack.
    (Cayton et al. #404)
  • Gettysburg Address

    It was a short two minute speech where Lincoln reminded listeners of the North's reason for fighting the Civil War. It honors the soldiers who fell for our freedom in our young nation. The significance is that although short, it became the best-loved and most-loved English speech. "President Lincoln Delivered the Gettysburg Address." America's Story from America's Library. Library of Congress, 7 July 2001. Web. 06 Feb. 2012.
  • Lincoln's 10% Plan

    It was a pardon to the Confederates who swore allegiance to the Union and accepted federal policy on slavery. It allowed states to create new state Constitutions after 10% of the people in the state had sworn allegiance. States could then hold elections. The significance is that it set a tone of forgiveness, but Congress thought it was a threat to their power.
    (Cayton et al. #426)
  • Wade-Davis Act

    The Radical Republicans passed this act. It required Confederates to take an oath and swear they had never willingly borne arms against the U.S. Lincoln let this Act die in a poacket veto. The significance of this was that the goal of the entire act was more to punish the South.
    (Cayton et al. #414).
  • Reconstruction-Success and Failures

    During the years of 1865-1877 reconstruction took place in the United States. However, it was an ultimate failure because it ended up becoming a symbol of corruption, greed, and poor government. The economy took a downturn since the legistlature taxed and spent heavily which put southern states into debt. It was also a nationwide downturn. The significance is that the reconstruction period was supposed to be a time of progression however, it was the total opposite.
  • Gilded Age

    1865-1901 defines the Gilded Age. The definition of guilded is having or pleasing a showy appearance that conceals something of little worth. Themes of the Gilded age are wealth and excess, industrialization, political corruption, growth of cities, poverty, and immigration. The significance of this is that following reconstruction it was a very different period of time for Americans to experience.
    Schultz, Stanley K. "H102 Lecture 04: The Gilded Age and the Politics of Corruption." American H
  • 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments

    The 13th amendment ended slavery in the United States. The 14th amendment stated that all people born in America are citizens and that citizens can get equal protection under the law. The 15th amendment states that no citizen can be denied the right to vote. The significance is that all three of these amendments are enduring legacies of Reconstruction and America's progress.
    (Cayton et al. #414, 431,434)
  • Johnson's Reconstruction Plan

    This pardoned Southerners who swore allegiance. It allowed states to hold Constitutional Conventions. States had to void secession and abolish slavery. The significance of this was that it was more generous to the South than either Lincoln's plan or the Radical Republican's Wade Davis plan.
    (Cayton et al. #427)
  • Lincoln's Assassination

    John Wilkes Booth assassinated President Abraham Lincoln. He approached Lincoln from behind while he was unguarded in Ford's Theater. Booth jumped onto the stage, broke his leg, hid, was found, and then was shot. He shot him in the head. The significance of this is that he was the first president ever to be assassianted.
    (Cayton et al. #416)
  • Sharecropping

    Sharecropping is when someone owns a piece of land and another person rents the land to farm, and the owner gets most of what is harvested. The people working on these areas weren’t exactly slaves, but the situation they were in was exactly how slaves were treated just not under the name of slavery. They still had to work for someone with a higher status than them, and were constantly in debt.
  • KKK

    This is a white supremacist organization that terrorized African American's with violence and threats of violence. It was formed by former Confederate soldiers that then conjoined and created a secret society. This secret society were recognized in robes and masks imitating ghosts of Confederate soldiers who wanted to get revenge on the enemies of the South. The significance of this group are the extreme measures that they went to in order to get "revenge."
    (Cayton et al. #442)
  • Black Codes and Jim Crow Laws

    Black Codes were laws put in place to limit the human rights and civil liberties of freedmen. A few examples are they could not congregate after sunset, could be whipped or sold for a year's labor if convicted of vagrancy, had to live on plantations, and had to sign a year long labor contract. The Jim Crow Laws instituted segregation in the South. The significance of these is that they embellish the continual discrimination against African Americans.
    (Cayton et al. #430, 564)
  • Radical Republican Plan

    They wanted reform rather revenge, had concern for the freedmen, and they also had political concerns since they wanted to keep their power in the North and the South. They were very influential. The significance of this plan was that they were very strict because they thought Lincoln's 10% plan was too leniant.
    U.S. History. "Radical Republican Reconstruction Plan." United States American History. Online Highways LLC, 2 June 2002. Web. 06 Feb. 2012. <
  • Big business: monopolies, trusts, laissez faire

    Big bussiness arose in the United States in the late 1800's. There were monopolies which was when someone had complete control of a product or service. There were also trusts which incorporated a group of separate companies that are placed under the control of a single managing board. Also the laissez faire doctrine stated that government should not interfere in private bussiness. The significance of these are that the U.S. was now very industrialized.
    (Cayton et al. #470, 472, 521).
  • Progressivism

    This era was a period of time of reform where citizens began taking control. They thought they should have more control over their government by them listening to what Americans want. As well as expanding public and private education. They also wanted to regulate large corporations.The significance of this is that this was an attempt at progressing forward even after reconstruction.
    Banhom, David B. "What Is Progressivism?" The Progressive Living Home Page. Politics at Progressive Living, 200
  • Imperialism

    This was when the U.S. became interested in Africa and Asia economically, militarily, nationalistically, and hummanitarianally. Americans wanted to control more land as they thought this would bring them up as a nation wide power. The significance is that other nations were competeing against the U.S. for this land and it would lead to an eventual war.
    (Cayton et al. #585).
  • Annexation of Hawaii

    The U.S. had control over Hawaii's government. As well as they leased Pearl Harbor to the U.S. as a fueling and repair station. When the King died his sister came into the throne and opposed all of the above so a pineapple planter, Sanford Dole, removed her and from power and Hawaii became a republic and requested for the U.S. to annex it. The significance is that McKinley thought about what the Hawaiian people wanted before what the U.S. felt they needed.
    (Cayton et al #595)
  • Spanish-American War

    It started with The de Lome letter which ridiculed McKinley caused America to become a state of commotion. Second, was the explosion of the U.S.S. Maine which killed over 250 U.S. sailors. It was controversial of who to blame. McKinley wanted an end to the reconcentration camps, a truce in Cuba, and Cuban independence but Spain didn't agree to the last thus, the U.S. called for war. The significance of this is that the U.S. finally got what they wanted, Cuban independece.
    (Cayton et al. #592).
  • War with the Philippines

    McKinley wanted to annex the Philippines. The rebel leader, Emilio Aguinaldo had always fought alongisde the U.S. however, they then decided to declare themselves a republic so tensions arose. The U.S. killed far more many people than the Phlippinos did. The significance is that the Philippines still did not gain independence until 1946.
    (Cayton et al. #593)
  • Panama Canal

    The panama canal was built to create a shorter passage between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, for trade and to naviagte from danergous waters. It took ten years to build, but was delayed for quite sometime. This eventually led to the Panamainian revolution.
  • Lusitania

    This was a British passenger liner that carried weapons for the Allies so German shot at it. It was sunk and 1,200 passengers died, this included 128 Americans. German's warned to stay off British ships but they boarded anyways. The significance is that Americans called this an act of barbarism from Germany.
    (Cayton et al #654)
  • Zimmerman Note

    The British unveiled an intercepted German telegram that showed Arthur Zimmermann (Germany's foreign secretary) making a secret offer to Mexico. He said that if Mexico declared war on the U.S., then Germany would give them U.S. land in the Southwest. The significance is that the U.S. now became closer to entering war.
    (Cayton et al #655)
  • Schenck vs. U.S.

    In ordinary times the 1st amendment would have protected it but every act of speech must be judged by the circumstances in which it was spoken. They upheld Schenck's conviction. The Supreme Court decision seemed to justify jailing radicals. Justice Holmes Jr. said that the government is justified in silencing free speech when there is a clear and present danger to the nation.
    (Cayton et al. #714).
  • Scopes Trial

    It was during the time period when they didn't want evolution to be taught in schools and they were opposed to sins of modern life. Scope was found guilty and was fined with $100. There was also a monkey brought to the trial because it represented evolution and that's how it got its name.
    (Cayton et al. #702)