Semester 2 Module 2

  • Dual Alliance

    The alliance between Germany and Austria-Hungary was formed by Bismarck.
  • Italy Joined

    Italy joined the Dual Alliance forming the Triple Alliance
  • Russia

    Bismarck took another possible ally from France when he allied with Russia.
  • Alexander III

    Alexander III succeeded his father, Alexander II, and was like his grandfather, Nicholas I, and clung to the principles of autocracy.
  • Foreign Policy

    The foreign policy was changed dramatically when Kaiser Wilhelm II-- who became ruler two years earlier--forced Bismarck to resign.
  • Bloody Sunday

    200,000 + workers and their family went to the czar's Winter Palace in St. Petersburg . They asked for better working conditions, more personnal freedom, and an elected national legislature. Soldiers were ordered to shoot them down.
  • Europe Division

    By 1914, Europe was divided into two rival camps. The Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance.
  • Visit to Sarajevo

    Heir to the throne of Austro-Hungarian, Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie, went amd visited Sarajevo for the last time. That day they were shot point blank.
  • War

    Austria rejected Serbia's offer abd declared war.
  • War again

    The German declared war on Russia
  • Russia

    Russia fared better against the Austrians thsn against the Germans.
  • Trenches Intruduction

    Opposing armies on the Western Front had dug miles of parallel trenches to protect themselves from enemy fire.This set the stage for trench warfare.
  • Slaughter

    Slaughter in this war peaked.Germans launched a giant attack. Each side lost at least 30,000
  • President Wilson

    President Wilson asked Congress to declare war on Germany. They entered the war on the Allies' side.
  • Peace

    World War 1 was over but peace was to be worked for. A conference was had to establish peace