Short-Long Term SMART Goals

  • Long Term

    Long Term
  • Short Term

    Short Term
  • Short Term Goal

    S - I will save money to buy a new, used car.
    M - I will save 1,000 dollars for a new used car.
    A - I will save 1,000 dollars for a new used car by cutting back 120 dollars on entertainment every month.
    R - My opportunity cost every month of not spending as much time out with my friends is better off for my future in a safe reliable car.
    T - I will save 1,000 dollars by cutting back 120 dollars every month for 1 year (Jan. 2018).
  • Steps I am Taking (Short Term)

    1. Cut out eating out every weekend to eating out once every month
    2. Stop buying things that are not a need
    3. Only go out with friends to spend money every week to 2 times a week
    4. Stop spending money on my nails
    5. Save gas by not driving places all the time
  • Steps I Am Taking (Long Term)

    1. I will stop spending money on my nails every month.
    2. I will stop eating out every week and only eat out once every other month.
    3. I will stop driving unnecessary place to spend less money on gas.
    4. I will take my own food to work for my breaks
    5. I will stop spending money on new clothes and wants that are not a need.
  • Long Term Goal

    S - I will save money for my own apartment
    M - I will save 12,000 dollars a year
    A - I will save 12,000 dollars a year by cutting back 1,000 dollar a month
    R - My opportunity cost will be less entertainment and purchasing wants although having my own apartment and independence will be well worth it.
    T - I will save 1,000 dollars every month for 3 years (Jan. 2021)