
Sister Irene McCormack

  • Irene McCormack

    Irene McCormack
    Sister Irene McCormack was born on the 21st of August 1938in Kununoppin, West Australia, She was one of six children and her family lived on a wheat farm in Trayning.
  • Irene McCormack joined the Sisters of Joseph

    Irene McCormack entered the Sisters of Joseph, the Australian religious group.
  • Recieving Novice Vows

    Recieving Novice Vows
    Irene McCormack recieved her ows as a novice.
  • Irene McCormacks first vows

    Irene McCormacks first vows
    Irene McCormack recieved her first vows.
  • Irene McCormacks last vows

    Irene McCormack took her last vows.
  • Irene McCormack graduated from University

    Irene McCormack graduated from University
    Irene McCormack graduated from the University of Western Australia.
  • Irene McCormack as a teacher

    Irene McCormack as a teacher
    Sister Irene McCormack taught year 9's at South Perth.
  • Sister Irene as a teacher

    Sister Irene taught year 8's to year 10's at Busselton.
  • Sister Irene as a teacher

    Sister Irene taught at New Naica Secondary.
  • Sister Irene McCormacks Death

    Sister Irene McCormack was excuted by shining path guerrillas 1991.