Slavery and the Events Leading up to the Civil War

  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri Compromise is about should Slavery be allowed in the state of Missouri Slaveholders had already Migrated into the missouri territory. Talmage Said no new slaves should be brought into Missouri. William Pinky argued that the states already in the union had joined without any conditions. 1820 march 3rd congress passed the Missouri Compromise The north thought Missouri should be a free state to keep the 36 30 line equal,
  • Nat Turners Rebellion

    Nat Turners Rebellion
    Nat Turner was the leader of The slave Rebellion that took place in virginia 1831. Nat Turner was very intelligent and claimed to be able to see visions. 300 troops were sent to capture Nat Turner who lived on the Travis Plantation, in South Ampton Virginia in 1831. Nat Turner was a very religious man. Thomas Grey interviewed Nat and wrote a book about him while he was in jail before he got killed.
  • compromise of 1850

    compromise of 1850
    accomplished what it set out to do, it kept the nation united but the solution was only temporary. over the decade the citizens became further divided over the issue of slavery. The compromise of 1850 was a package of 5 separate bills passed by the united states. this is going on in california and california entered the union as a free state.
  • kansas nebraska act

    kansas nebraska act
    The Kansas Nebraska act was passed by the US congress in May 30,1854, Steven Douglas raised the dangerous issue of slavery in the territories. The kansas Nebraska Act made southerners happy because it raised the possibility that kansas and Nebraska might become a slave state. Steven Douglas Wrote the Kansas Nebraska Act. Millard Fillmore was president during the Kansas Nebraska act. Steven Douglas supported Popular Sovereignty. It allowed people in the territories of kansas and Nebraska to decid