Social media

Social Media Time Line

By Ak210
  • Facebook

    Originally created as FaceMash in July of 2003 it changed it's name to FaceBook in February of 2004. Facebook quickly became popular due to the exclusivity it began with by only being released to Ivy league schools in the beginning and eventually to everybody world wide.
  • Photobucket

    The creation of photobucket was one of the first websites that allowed users to share photos easily. One of the sites that would inspire later social media such of Instagram.
  • The Creation of Myspace

    The Creation of Myspace
    MySpace was created in 2003 and began dominating social media with their new features. Their influence on culture through social media and music, allowed many artists to became popular through the internet and set off the beginning of a new wave of artists brought to the top by the internet.
  • Youtube

    One of the most popular and influential sites in history and that will likely ever exist, youtube. Although, it was not the first website that allowed users to upload videos, it was one of the first that gained popularity because it was a hub for all types of videos, not just one kind.
  • Reddit

    One of the most popular sites on the internet. It gained massive popularity through its upvote and downvote feature. This allowed users to push good content to the front of the website and bad content to never be seen. This feature allowed it to become incredibly popular.
  • Twitter

    Beginning as a way for users to post and interact with public messages it has gained popularity for news. Twitter has become one of the best and fastest ways for people to gain news and information. Not just mainstream news but, news in all sorts of industries, fields, hobbies, groups, etc.
  • Omegle

    This website quickly became popular after it's release. It became known for allowing to randomly connect online with someone and video chat 1 on 1.
  • Twitch

    First starting as this website became huge in the next couple years. It became the main website for video game streaming and gave birth to a new era of internet where live streams have become incredibly popular and there are now many e-celebrities from video game streaming on twitch.
  • Snapchat

    Snapchat represents one of the social medias that gained popularity in the 2010's versus the 2000s. It became popular for it's private messaging, screen shot alerts, and story mode. Story mode was hugely popular and became available on Instagram and Facebook afterwards as well.
  • Instagram

    Started in 2010 it allowed users to share photos with each other. It quickly gained popularity. The app was purchased by FaceBook for $1 Billion in 2015. Representing one of the largest social media deals ever.
  • First Tweet from @POTUS

    First Tweet from @POTUS
    On this day the first tweet from a president from the official United States President twitter was tweeted. This represented a new era of white house politics which began using twitter as a medium to communicate with the American public.
  • Death of Tumblr

    Death of Tumblr
    Tumblr, an already dying social media, put one of the final nails in it's coffin on December 17, 2018. It banned all explicit content on the website and drove away many users. This represents an era of bad mistakes by social media companies that changed the site to the dismay of their users and backlash. Similarly, unpopular changes like this have been made by Snapchat and Instagram as well.