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Social Studies Timeline [] The History of the United States from Colonisation to Early Republic

  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus lands in the Americas

    Columbus lands in the Americas
    Upon seeking the help of many European lords, the King of Spain funded Christopher Columbus's voyage across the atlantic ocean in search of a new trade route to Asia. Instead of finding Asia, he discovered the Americas! Swift colonisation would soon follow across the so called "New World".
  • Jamestown is founded

    Jamestown is founded
    Under the approval of James I, the Virginia Company was granted a charter in 1606 to found a colony in the Americas. When the colonists finally landed in 1607, it would mark the first permanent English settlement in North America and the New World as a whole.
  • Virginia House of Burgesses form

    Virginia House of Burgesses form
    The first form of representative government in the colonies, the house was comprised of burgesses, white male landowners who were democratically elected to represent them.
  • The Mayflower Compact is signed

    The Mayflower Compact is signed
    In 1620, a group of colonists known as the "Pilgrims" landed in Cape Cod, Massachusetts to found the colony of Plymouth. The pilgrims came to America to escape religious prosecution in Britain (Religious Freedom). The Mayflower Compact, named with ship they used to cross the atlantic, was a set of rules, a social contract of sorts. This was the first form of self-government in the colonies and laid the seed for American independence ideals.
  • The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut drafted

    The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut drafted
    Influenced by the teachings of Thomas Hooker, the founder of the connecticut colony and puritan. It was the first written constitution in the Americas.
  • First Great Awakening

    First Great Awakening
    A great religious revival due to many colonial priests concerns over low church attendance, and the general laid-back attitude towards religion. Also the regions of the 13 colonies were split between their own congregational churches. This movement saw increased religious acceptance and piousness among the colonists.
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    Beginning in 1756 and lasting till 1763, it was between the British and French over the wealthy Ohio River Valley. The British came out victorious, but ended in an extreme amount of debt. THey now needed a way to pay for it...
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    King George III of Britain didn't want to get into a costly war with the natives. To avoid this, he issued the Proclamation of 1763, which stated no further settlement beyond the Appalachian Mountains. The colonists disagreed with this decision, seeing it as unnecessary limiting.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The French and Indian War or Seven Years War had left Great Britain in a massive amount of debt. Parliament saw it fit to tax the colonists on the stamp that was needed for official documents and orders. Many colonists renounced the tax and it was eventually repealed in 1766.
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    The Quartering Act allowed British soldiers to stay and be feed at any colonists house. This act was greeted with much displeasure from the people, they believed it was a violation of their property rights.
  • Townshend Acts

    Townshend Acts
    The Townshend Acts were a set of laws that taxed glass, tea, and paper. The colonists responded to this act by boycotting British goods and making their own products.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The whole situation started when a group of people began attacking and harrassing a British soldier, then when things began to escalate, the soldiers fired on the crowd, killing five including Crispus Attucks who is considered the first casualty of the revolution.
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    The Tea Act created a monopoly over tea, making the British East India Company the only company to sell tea. The colonists saw this act as an unfair control over their lives.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    One of the most famous acts of the American Revolution was the Boston Tea Party. It was a protest of the latter Tea Act in which the Sons of Liberty (American rebel group) dumped 342 crates of tea into the Boston harbor while dressed as native americans.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    After hearing of what had happened in Boston, King George III was furious. The Intolerable Acts closed the port of Boston, reducing the colonies economies. Also the Coercive Acts were signed
  • 1st Continental Congress meet

    1st Continental Congress meet
    Leaders of the colonies meet to plead the British Parliament to remove the Stamp, Quartering, and intolerable acts. Also in the meeting it was called for boycotting British goods and for the colonies to arm themselves.
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    Battle of Lexington and Concord
    The first actual battle of the American Revolution, British troops were sent to confiscate hidden weapons when they were ambushed by a smaller force of rebels. The redcoats were defeated and it gave the rebels hope since they proved that they could beat the British.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    On July 4th, 1776 the Declaration of Independence was official signed. America's independence from Britain was now known throughout the world.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    Considered the turning point of war, the rebels beat the British at Saratoga, convincing the French to support the patriots cause.
  • The Articles of Confederation

    The Articles of Confederation
    With the war coming to end. The new United States needed to set up its government. The Articles of Confederation were the U.S.'s first constitution/government. The articles had its strengths and weaknesses, for example it gave the federal government the ability to declare war or raise an army or navy. But it also didn't give the government enough power. It couldn't enforce taxes, lacked a leader/president, didn't have a court system, all 13 states had to agree on something for it to be passed.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    Fought in Yorktown, Virginia it was the last major battle of the American Revolution. A joint American-Franco cooperation saw the defeat of the British Army under Lord Cornwallis. The outcome of this battle put forth the Treaty of Paris signed in 1783, officially ending the American Revolution.
  • The North West Ordinance

    The North West Ordinance
    It devised a plan to allow new territories to become states. At 60,000 free men in the territory, it could apply for statehood.
  • Constitution

    With the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation needing to be addressed, a new constitution was put in place, the one that has been modified, but is still used today.
  • Constitutional Convention of 1787 / Great Compromise

    Constitutional Convention of 1787 / Great Compromise
    Members of government met to discuss on how should the states receive representation in government. Two plans were put forth, the Virginian Plan which said that a state's representation should be by its population and the New Jersey Plan which stated on having equal representation of all states. Since the two could not agree, it came to a compromise known as the "Great Compromise" in which a two-house legislature was created made up of by the House of Representatives and the Senate.
  • George Washington Elected President

    George Washington Elected President
    The 1st president of the United States, Washington had many troubles facing him. Massive debt was owed after the war, to combat this problem, Washington put together a cabinet with Alexander Hamilton as Secretary of the Treasury to fix the debt problem. During his farewell address in 1797, he gave three warnings, 1. No political parties, 2. Avoid Sectionalism, 3. No permanent alliances
  • Election of 1796

    Election of 1796
    John Adams, under the federalist party was elected 2nd President of the United States with his Vice-President Thomas Jefferson.
  • Political Parties

    Political Parties
    Not heeding the warning from Washington, Americans and members of government began to create political parties. There were two prominent parties at the time that had very different philosophies on government. The Democratic-Republicans led by Thomas Jefferson, who favored a limited national govt. and strict interpretation of the constitution and the Federalists led by Alexander Hamilton who wanted a strong, powerful national govt. and a loose interpretation of the constitution.
  • X Y Z Affair

    X Y Z Affair
    The French began capturing American ships and sailors leading to the infamous X Y Z affair. Soon after the capturing of American ships, Adams sent three officials to broker peace between France and the U.S. instead the officials meet three agents demanding money. Adams, in a speech to congress referred to the agents as X Y Z, leading to the name.
  • Alien & Sedition Acts

    Alien & Sedition Acts
    Due to the mistrust between France and the U.S. Adams passed the Alien & Sedition Acts which consisted of deporting or imprison any immigrant thought dangerous. Along with this, it was made illegal to write against the government.
  • Marbury V. Madison

    Before Adams presidency