Ukraine ussr

Soviet Union Rise & Fall

By eedavis
  • Stalin in Power

    Stalin in Power
    Lenin passed away & Stalin came into power. The Soviet Union adopted a Constitution based on a dictatorship.
  • 5 Year Plan is Adopted

    5 Year Plan is Adopted
    The first Five-Year Plan is adopted. The state set goals and priorities for the whole economy. Collectivisation of agriculture begun. Russia improves quickly & catches up tp countries around it.
  • Soviet Union Joins the League of Nations

    Soviet Union Joins the League of Nations
    The USSR joins the League of Nations. A group of countries formed together to promote peace and prevent war.
  • World War 2

    World War 2
    The Soviet Union joins World War 2. They fight with The Allies, aganist Germany & Japan (Axis Powers).
  • Sputnik/Laika

    The Soviet's put the first satellite into Earth's Orbit. This was terrifying to many countries, because this meant their could be bombs being dropped from space with no warning. The US was threatened by this & quickly tried to cath up with the Soviet's, which started the great "Space Race". On November 3rd, the Soviet's also sent the first living create to space, a dog named Laika.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall was created in Russia, This completly cut off communication from the East of the Country to the West. Families were split apart, as well as friends, aquaintences, jobs, everything, It was put up overnight.
  • Soviet-Afghan War

    Soviet-Afghan War
    Russia invades Afghanistan & it results in a 9 year war. Russia spread communism throughout the country but eventually lost the war.
  • The Chernobyl Disaster

    The Chernobyl Disaster
    A catastrophic nuclear accident that occurred at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. The explosion released large quantities of radioactive particles into the atmosphere, which spread over much of the land. It is one of the 2 worst radioactive accident to ever occour.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Fall of the Berlin Wall
    The wall that isolated West Berlin for nearly 30 years falls down. Citizens did this by taking tools & demolishing small sections of the wall at a time. Pieces of the wall are displayed all around the world as a memior.
  • Deomcratic Nations Are Born

    Deomcratic Nations Are Born
    Poland, Czechoslovakia, & Hungary all become democratic nations. For the first time, these countries hold democratic elections. They are now 'free' people. They are no longer under harsh rule.