Space Exploration

By mb19430
  • First Telescope

    First Telescope
    The first telescope was made by Hans Lippershey. This telescope happened to be a refracting telescope. Lippershey's original had two convex lenses with an inverted image or a convex objective and a concave eyepiece lens so it would have an upright image.
  • First Spotting of the moon through telescope

    First Spotting of the moon through telescope
    The first spotting of the moon through a telescope was by Galileo Galilei. It was known to be very important because people never knew what the moon actually looked like besides a white blob in the sky.
  • First reflecting telescope

    First reflecting telescope
    The first reflecting telescope was made by Issac Newton. He made the telescope to prove his theory on white light in a pectrum of colors.
  • First Asteroid Descovered

    First Asteroid Descovered
    The first asteroid was discovered in 1801 and was named Ceres. Ceres was a asteroid back then but is now a dwarf planet.
  • First Designed Rocket Launched

    The first designed rocket was made in 1956 by the US and is launched. This rocket was Sputnik 1 which also was a satellite, but is also an R-7 rocket.
  • US's first satellite in orbit

    US's first satellite in orbit
    The first satellite in orbit was made by the US and called
    Sputnik 1.
  • First Weather Satellite Launched

    First Weather Satellite Launched
    The first weather satellite launched was made by NASA and it was named Tiros 1. Tiros 1 oberated for 78 days and was more successful than Vanguard 2.
  • First Person to Orbit Earth

    First Person to Orbit Earth
    The first person to not only orbit earth but the first person to go into space was Yuri Gagarin. It has been said that since Gagarin was the first person to orbit earth and go into space that he won many awards for it.
  • First American to Orbit Earth

    First American to Orbit Earth
    The first american to orbit earth was John Glenn he was also one of the first american astronauts.
  • First People to Walk on the Moon

    First People to Walk on the Moon
    The first people to walk on the moon were Neil Armstong and Buzz Aldrin during the Apollo 11 exploration.
  • First Woman in Space

    First Woman in Space
    The first American woman to fly in space when the space shuttle Challenger launched was the one and only Sally Ride.
  • First Solar System Picture Taken

    First Solar System Picture Taken
    The first solar system was taken by the Voyager, it was not a real picture it was basically just a diagram.
  • First to Land on an Asteroid

    First to Land on an Asteroid
    The first to land on an asteroid was the US with their robotic space probe. This probe landed on the asteroid Eros which is or was near to earth.
  • First Sample of Asteroid 25143

    First Sample of Asteroid 25143
    The first sample was taken by the japanese. This mission was said to be the first sample return mission.
  • First to Orbit Mercury

    First to Orbit Mercury
    The first to orbit mercury was a US space craft/probe.