Spain History

  • Period: 100 to

    Spain History

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    Los Visigodos

    Los Visigodos
    They invaded the peninsula in 415. They converted it from Aranian to christianity. They changed the name of the area from Hispani to Espana. In 711 their Kings were killed. El imperio Visogodo estuvó solo en España. Ellos luchiaron Romanos.
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    Los Iberos

    Los Iberos
    Los Iberos lived in small enclosed communities. They specialized in metal working. They traded in precious metals and gained social status. Los Iberos came from Africa. Ellos estuviaron los primarios personas en el Iberian peninsula. La idioma recolocó con Latin.
  • Sep 1, 700

    Los Romanos

    Los Romanos
    The romans moved into the Iberian penisula in the 8th century. They were looking for minerals and materials. It took two centuries for the peninsula to become part of the roman empire. The langauge became latin. Ellos luchiaron la Carthaginian a Ebro. Hay estuvieron guerras muchas.
  • Sep 2, 711

    Los Moros

    Los Moros
    Los Mores converted Spain to a Muslim country. They had a huge influense on language and architeture. Their nickname was the Cleyton Moors. They left Spain in 1492. Ellos invaieron para Norte África. España estuvó muy rico durente este tiempo.
  • Sep 6, 1478

    La Inquisición

    La Inquisición
    King Ferdinand II and Queen Isabel I formed the Spanish Inquisition. It was intended to keep all spainsh territoy Catholic. It forced Jews and Muslims to convert or leave. Having the Inquisition reduced tension between religion. El Aboló en 1834. 5,000 personas matiaron.
  • Sep 2, 1492

    La Reconquista

    La Reconquista
    La Reconquista was the movement of Muslims into the Iberian peninsula. The christians and Muslims were constantly fighting over territory. The muslims made the capital Seville. The arabs discriminated against the Islams. Reina Isabel I y Rey Ferdinand II los unieron España. Ellos forziaron los Islamicos salir.
  • Sep 3, 1492

    El Imperio Español

    El Imperio Español
    They took over after the Moores. They started to colonize. Spain sent Christompher Columbus to the new world. Spain took control of Aouth American Colonies. El aboló en 1640. El saló un legado.
  • La Armada

    La Armada
    The Armada was the spanish Navy. It had 130 ships. It was used to invade England. They wanted to overthrow Queen Elizabeth I of England. Uno Barco estuvó captura. El plan fracasó.
  • La Guerra Civil

    La Guerra Civil
    The war was between the Republicans and the Nationalists. The Nationalists won and rulled for the net 36 years. The republican leader was killed in a plane crash. The nationalists received help from Nazi-Germany and Fascist-Italy. Ellos liuchiaron para trés años. El segundo espanol Republic aboló en 1939.
  • España Moderna

    España Moderna
    Contempary Spain started with the death of Frascico Franco in 1975. The Plataforma de Convergencia Democrática was created. They are a constitutional monarchy. The Spanish communist party was legalized in 1977. Violencia es rara. El constitucíon estuvó escrito otra vas en 1979.