Spanish Exploration

  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus' First Voyage

    Columbus' First Voyage
    Columbus was searching for a shorter way to China, Asia. He instead discovered the Bahamas and the New World. This is important because it started to spark some interest into exploring it again.
  • Feb 27, 1519

    Cortes's Voyage

    Cortes's Voyage
    Cortes conquered Mexico.He also conquered the Aztecs while his visit to Mexico.This is important because when he returned to Spain he came back with 99 tons of gold. After his expedition it has encouraged more crusades and exploratios to happen.
  • Jun 2, 1519

    Pinedas Voyage

    Pinedas Voyage
    He was the firt to map the land from Florida to the whole entire Gulf coast. This was important because Spain now had directions to actually land where they want to land.
  • Apr 27, 1527

    De Vaca Voyage Part 1

    De Vaca Voyage Part 1
    His leader was origanally Narvez,but theygo seperated after the ship wreck.The purpose of the expedition is to find more land and gold for Spain.
  • Apr 28, 1528

    De Vaca discovers Texas

    De Vaca discovers Texas
    He disovered Texas because of a hurricane near Cuba which led him to shipwreck in Texas.He was in Texas for 8 years. He encountered the Karankwas. Coahuiltecans, andthe Jumanos.
  • Oct 29, 1539

    Fray Marcos and Estaban Journey

    Fray Marcos and Estaban Journey
    To study the land to the North evalute.Esteban died because he was killed by Indians.Fray Marcos said that he saw the 7 cities of gold and that it's bigger than New Mexico.
  • Oct 29, 1539

    Moscoso Expedition

    Moscoso Expedition
    The leader was originally De Soto. De Soto later on later died. They discovered absoulutly nothing so they same the exact thing as Coronado. That was that it was awful and that you shouldn't even bother.
  • Oct 29, 1540

    Coronado's expedition

    Coronado's expedition
    He was searching for the 7 cities of gold and a new place that Turk was talking about (quivera).The second guide was Turk later on Turk got killed by Coronado.He explored 5 states looking for the 7 cities of gold and quivera.Coronado discovered the Grand and Palo Duro canyon.