
Stages of Development of the Gospels

  • Period: 6 BCE to 4 BCE

    Jesus' Birth

  • Period: 27 to 29

    Jesus' Preaching

  • Period: 30 to 33

    Jesus' Death

  • Period: 33 to 33

    Jesus' Resurrection

  • Period: 34 to 40

    The Disciples

    Followed by a period of reflecting on the life and teachings of Jesus by his disciples. They told and re-told the events of his life and teachings.
  • Period: 51 to 51

    Paul's First Letter

    Seemed to have been no organised written words until Paul's first letter.
  • Period: 70 to 70

    Mark's Gospel was written

  • Period: 80 to 90

    Luke's Gospel was written

  • Period: 80 to 95

    Matthew's Gospel was written

  • Period: 90 to 100

    John's Gospel was written