
  • 1415

    Prince Henry's caper

    Prince Henry's caper
    Prince Henry's caper was to "capture the main musllim trading depot [in] Morocco (22).
  • Period: 1415 to

    History of Racism and Antiracism

  • 1450

    The World's First Racist

    The World's First Racist
    According to Kendi and Reynolds, "Zurara was the first person to write about and defend Black human ownership" (25).
  • 1526

    The First Know African Racist

    The First Know African Racist
    Johannes Leo, also known Leo Africanus, "echoed Zurara's sentiments of Africans, his own people [and called them...] hypersexual savages" (26-7).
  • 1577

    Curse Theory

    Curse Theory
    In Chapter 2 of "Stamped," Reynolds explained that "English travel writer George Best determined [...] that Africans were, in fact cursed"
  • Jamestown's First Slaves

    Jamestown's First Slaves
    A Latin American ship was seized by pirates and "twenty Angolans [on board were sold to] the governor of Virginia"(36).
  • Richard Mather's Arrival

    Richard Mather's Arrival
    Richard Mather was a Puritan who came to America to practice a "more disciplined and rigid" (32) form of Christianity.
  • Cotton Mather is Born

    Cotton Mather is Born
  • "Voluntary" Slaves

    "Voluntary" Slaves
    According to Richard Baxter, some "Africans [...] wanted to be slaves so that they could be baptized" (39).
  • Creation of White Privileges

    Creation of White Privileges
    In response to Nathaniel Bacon's uprising, local government decided to give "all Whites [...] absolute power to abuse any African person" (45).
  • First Antiracist Writing in the Colonies

    First Antiracist Writing in the Colonies
    The Mennonites were against slavery because they "equat[ed]" (41) discrimination based on skin color to discrimination based on religion.
  • The Witch Hunt Begins!

    The Witch Hunt Begins!
    In chapter 4 page 49-50 Reynold said "In 1692 when Parris's nine year old daughter suffered convulsion chokes, he believed she's been possessed or cursed by a witch. That is all it took. The witch hunt began."
  • The First Great Awaking

    The First Great Awaking
    Here A set of racist codes where made. Some of these rules are "No interracial relationships, Tax imported captives, Classify Natives and black the same way you would horses and hogs in the tax code, Blacks can't hold office, All property owned by a slave is sold which of course contributes to Black poverty, Oh and white indentured servants who were freed are awarded fifty acres of Property, of course contributing to white Prosperity."
  • American Philosophical Society (APS)

    American Philosophical Society (APS)
    Benjamin Franklin created "a club for smart (White) people" (57) to discuss ideas and philosophy.
  • The Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment
    In the mid-1700's, "new America entered what we now call the Enlightenment Era" (56).
  • Phyllis Wheatly's test

    Phyllis Wheatly's test
    Wheatley "proved herself [as intelligent and] human" (60) by passing a test given by some of the smartest men in the country at the time.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    In 1776 "Thomas Jefferson who at the time was a thirty three year old delegate to the Second Continental Congress, sat down to pen the Declaration of Independence." " [...] and wrote all men are equal." Thomas Jefferson wrote this while he owned 200 slaves.
  • The Three Fifths Compromise

    The Three Fifths Compromise
    The Three Fifths Compromise is a agreement from the north and south that three-fifths of the slave population would be counted for determining direct taxation and representation in the House of Representatives. Also there is a big contradiction here. "On one hand Jefferson was telling his slaves to work harder but on the other hand He was telling abolitionists there was nothing he wanted more than to end slavery."
  • The Haitian Revolution

    The Haitian Revolution
    Nearly, "half a million enslaved African in Haiti rose up against French rule." Shocking everyone and winning (78).
  • (Possibly) North America's Biggest Uprising

    (Possibly) North America's Biggest Uprising
    Possibly the biggest revolt planned for "Saturday, August 30,1800" never happened due to "two cynical slaves slaves-snitches" (80).
  • Jefferson's Slave Trade Act

    Jefferson's Slave Trade Act
    Thomas Jefferson created a act "to stop the import of people from Africa and the Caribbean into America" yet it had no real effect (85).
  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    Congress made Missouri a slave state but to maintain "Balance" they also admitted Maine(89).
  • Thomas Jefferson's Death

    Thomas Jefferson's Death
    Finally on July 4 he had "his final sight" surrounded by his slaves (92).
  • Garrison's First Abolition Speech

    Garrison's First Abolition Speech
    Asked by the ACS William Lloyd Garrison gave his speech. "He was smart and forward-thinking"(99)
  • Nat Turner's Rebellion

    Nat Turner's Rebellion
    A "slave and a preacher" ready to rise against those in power(102).
  • AASS Abolitionist Pamphlets

    AASS Abolitionist Pamphlets
    Garrison using his writing to spread knowledge. "He wrote a book the refuted colonizationists " and introduced AASS (103).
  • Samuel Morton's Theories

    Samuel Morton's Theories
    Samuel Morton "was measuring the skulls of human" to determine that white people had larger skulls meaning greater knowledge (106).
  • Fredrick Douglass Narrative Published

    Fredrick Douglass Narrative Published
    The book represented the knowledge he was able to gain as a slave. "It outlined Douglass's life and gave firsthand account of the horrors of slavery" as well (108).
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Harriet Beecher Stowe shared ideas about the injustices of slavery. In Uncle Tom's Cabin that "exploded and became the biggest book of its time" (112).
  • Start of Civil War

    Start of Civil War
    The chance to fight for themselves and get revenge. Slaves "wanted to fight against their slave owners" joining northern soldiers in battle (120).
  • The Emancipation Proclamation

    The Emancipation Proclamation
    Now a bill passed declaring slaves shall be free. For this "Lincoln was labeled the Great Emancipator" (122).
  • End of Civil War

    End of Civil War
    Pg. 117. What was Reconstruction? What rights did Lincoln want Black people to have?
  • 40 Acres and a Mule

    40 Acres and a Mule
  • The Fifteenth Amendment

    The Fifteenth Amendment
    The Fifteenth Amendment was made on February 3,1870. Stating "no one could be prohibited from voting due to" their race/color(128).
  • Black Codes and Jim Crow

    Black Codes and Jim Crow
    Restrictive laws made to limit the freedom of African Americans. "They would quickly evolve unto Jim Crow laws" legalizing racial segregation." (126).