
Steps to War

By mnt4649
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    the Stamp Act was a law pass by parliament that placeda tax on printed materials such as legal documents, news papers, and evan playing cards.The colinies felt that it was unfair because they didnt have a say in goverment. Their protest cry was "No Taxation without representation!
  • sons of Libarty

    sons of Libarty
    Adams organized a the Sons of libarty a group that was stared in the cilinie that led protesters that were against the new taxes. the members ofend distroyed homes and actacked stamp agents. They also thrented stamp agents and burned stamps . They hung a pupet that said stuff on it to scear away stamp agents and it did!
  • Period: to

    steps to war

  • The townshed act!

    The townshed act!
    The leaders in Britan saw that it would be hard to get anymore money out from the stamp tax.Paraliament voted to repeal the stamp act.The news was celabrated in the colinies, but Britan needed money! King George 3 said no matter what they say we still are going to tax the coloniets.Charles townshed agreed with the King and as a tresure of the british goverment,Townshed called a new tax. Paraliment passed the townshed act,theese laws passed tariff, and colonest stoped buying goods from Britan!
  • the Doughters of libarty

    the Doughters of libarty
    In Boston a women encouraged people to stop buying imported goods, such as tea and wool and that we can make our own tea and wool. A group called Doughters of libarty was formed in the colonies. To help make wool, the doughters of libarty begain weaving cloths that could be uesd instead of british wool. The boycott was hurting the british buissnes. The british goverment decied to take action and arived in Boston on ships. They hoped it would let the colonest know to stop protesting.
  • the Boston Massacre

    the Boston Massacre
    Tension had beem rising in Boston since British solders had arrived on ships in Boston. Fist fights would offten be seen on streets. So on March 5th 1770 the city was ready to exploed. When some angery colonest surrounded hugh white and his felow soilders, solders panicked and fierd into the croud.They killed five peopel.The event was known as the Boston Massacre.The British soilders were put on trial for murder in Boston.John Adams deffended them,because he wanted to make it a fair.
  • The commite of coraspons

    The commite of coraspons
    The same day as the Bostin Massure, parilament voted to repail the townshed acts. the colinial boycott was hurting the british busiines so parialment cannsaled all the taxes but one the tea tax. They knew not much money would come out of the tax but they kept that one to show we still have a write to tax. Adams formed a commite of coraspones in Bostin and they wrote to eachother back and forth and thoufgt we need a faster way to send mail so they got express writers!
  • the Boston Tea party

    the Boston Tea party
    The colonest also decleared that the Britan would not be aloud to unlaod any tea in any Colonie port. In 1773 ships of Britan were coming into Boston with tea. Members of The Sons of Libarty disguised them self as Mohawks. They rowed to the boats throwing everything off the ships. When the news reached london, king George 3erd and Parliment beleaved Boston should be punished!
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    The committees of Coraspones began writting about the tea act. The tea act said that the East India company would be the only company aloud to sell tea to the coloniest. The tea act had two goals. The first goal was to help the struggle East India company. The second goal was to get the coloiest to pay the taxes to Britan. the coloinest were not going to pay theese taxes to britan and they hated how Britan made them only buy tea from the East India company.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    Britian was furious with the people of Boston for the Boston Tea Party. They made them feed and house the soilders. The colony of Massachusettesnwas put under British generalThomas gage. The port of Boston were closed. Cloniest called these new laws the Intolerable Acts. These Acts hurts Bostons econonyand forced ththem to take sides. The Committees of Corespondence decided to from a group of all the colonies. This group would decide how to oppose the Tntollerable Acts.
  • The Continental Congress

    The Continental Congress
    The first Continental Congress met in September 1774. A representative from each colonie, except Georga met togther. They voted to stop all trade with Britan untill the Intolereble Acts were repplaced. They also agreed that each colny should start trainingmilitias. george Washinton was a reprisenative from Virginia he made this promise. "I will raise one thousand men... and march myself at their head for the relief of Boston".