
  • World's First Solar Collector Created

    World's First Solar Collector Created
    Swiss scientist Horace de Saussure was credited with building the world's first solar collector, this collector was also known as a hot box.
  • First Modern Turbine Created

    First Modern Turbine Created
    British-American engineer James Fancis developed the first modern water turbine. The Francis turbine is the most widely used water turbine in the world.
  • First Wind Turbine Manufactured

    First Wind Turbine Manufactured
    Daniel Halladay invented windmills in his machine shop in Connecticut
  • World's First Hydroelectric Plant Created

    World's First Hydroelectric Plant Created
    The plant was first used to power a single lamp in the Cragside County house in Northumberland, England.
  • First Wind Turbine Built To Generate Electricity

    First Wind Turbine Built To Generate Electricity
    Charles F. Brush invented the first windmill to produce electricity.
  • First Solar Water Heater Patented

    First Solar Water Heater Patented
    Baltimore inventor Clarence Kemp patented the first commercial solar water heater.
  • World's Largest Hydroelectric Plant Created

    World's Largest Hydroelectric Plant Created
    The Edward Dean Adams Power Plant was created at Niagra Falls.
  • First Geothermal Power Plant

    First Geothermal Power Plant
    Prince Piero Ginori Conti invented the first geothermal power plant at the Larderello dry steam field in Tuscany, Italy.
  • Rural Electrification Administration Created

    Rural Electrification Administration Created
    The United States Federal Rural Electrification Administration was created to promote the expansion of electrical service to rural areas.
  • First Large-Scale Geothermal Electricity Generating Plant Begins Operation

    First Large-Scale Geothermal Electricity Generating Plant Begins Operation
    Pacific Gas and Electric operates the plant, located at The Geysers. The first turbine produced 11 megawatts of net power and operated successfully for more than 30 years.
  • Geothermal Energy Association Created

    Geothermal Energy Association Created
    The association includes U.S. companies that develop geothermal resources worldwide for electrical power generation and direct-heat uses.
  • World's Largest Solar Thermal Facility Commissioned

    World's Largest Solar Thermal Facility Commissioned
    Located in Kramer Junction, the solar facility contained rows of mirrors that concentrated the sun's energy onto a system of pipes. The heated liquid was then used to create steam, which powered a turbine to create electricity.