Teaching Methods

By mwailes
  • Grammar Translation Method (Latin and Greek)

    Grammar Translation Method (Latin and Greek)
    Fill-in-the-blanks, memorization. Not much use of target language. Little or no attention to pronunciation.
  • The Direct Mehtod

    The Direct Mehtod
    Goal of thinking in target language. Grammar taught inductively. Classroom only in target language.
  • The Cognitive Approach

    The Cognitive Approach
    Deals with mental processes like memory and problem solving. Opposition to behaviorism.
  • Audio Lingual Method (ALM)

    Audio Lingual Method (ALM)
    Overlearning of language patterns, repitition. Language patterns rather than meaning. Immediate but nonlasting results.
  • The Silent Way

    The Silent Way
    Teacher is silent. Emphasizes autonomy of the learner.
  • Total Physical Response (TPR)

    Total Physical Response (TPR)
    Dual Coding. Creating associations via physical motion.
  • Suggestopedia

    Comfy classroom, long passages in target language with a translation, creativity. Positive environment, focus on content instead of structure.
  • Community Language Learning

    Community Language Learning
    Teacher as counselor and paraphraser. Students choose what they want to learn.