Technological Changes in my Lifetime

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    My Lifetime

  • Powerpoint

    Powerpoint, originally called Presenter and developed for the Macintosh computer, was released in 1987. The inventing company was eventually bought out by Microsoft and their first version released on May 22, 1990 along with Windows 3.0. Now educators and meeting presenters had a way to bore their audience to tears. Thanks Microsoft. Image from
  • Interactive Whiteboards Invented

    Interactive Whiteboards Invented
    The interactive whiteboard was invented in 1991. It was a great replacement for the typical green chalk boards seen in classrooms at the time. As these evolved they now allow educators to control computer systems from the screen to manipulate Windows based programs. They also eliminated the need to clean chalk boards and to punish students with having to clean those nasty chalkboard erasers. Image from
  • First Smartphone Invented

    First Smartphone Invented
    The first spartphone was invented by IBM and Bellsouth and released to the public in 1993. It's features are sparse by today's standards, but it featured a touch screen and could send e-mail and fax. This paved the way for future smartphones like my iPhone. Now I can call anyone virtually anytime, browse the web, or even do schoolwork with a handy device from my pocket! Image from
  • First Social Media Website Launched

    First Social Media Website Launched
    The first social media website, Six Degrees, launched in 1997. It allowed users to post bulletin board items and send messages to other members. Although the site only lasted until 2001 it paved the other way for other websites such as Facebook and Twitter that have taken over the minds of today's youth. Image from
  • Blu-ray Technology Invented

    Blu-ray Technology Invented
    No longer will people have to use cds or dvds, now we can use Blu-Rays. These discs are much tougher and thus will last longer and they hold much more data than cds or dvds. Thus digital media has been forever changed and dvds will eventually fall the way side like VHS. Image from,fl_progressive,q_80,w_680/djtlguw0lqflsiwcu2xf.jpg