Technology During The 90s

  • WorldWideWeb (WWW)

    WorldWideWeb (WWW)
    The WorldWideWeb was the first web browser. It was created by Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailiau. The WorldWideWeb has brought the world together and allowed for people all over the world to communicate, create, and be informed about what is going on in the world.
  • Linux

    Linux was invented in 1991 by Linux Torvalds. Linux is an operating system, and the internet relies heavily on Linux. As does many computers and phone devices like Android. Linux has become an educational and free creators' space for many students and individuals.
  • SMS Messaging

    SMS Messaging
    SMS messaging was invented by Neil Paperworth. Neil Paperworth sent out the first SMS message to his colleague Richard Jarvis's Oribitel 901 phone in 1992. The message he wrote was Merry Christmas. SMS messaging has helped many people communicate without having to make phone calls. SMS has become today's norm of communicating with friends and family.
  • The DVD Player

    The DVD Player
    Toshiba created the first DVD player in 1996. It allowed people to watch movies, tv shows, and video content. This form of technology became a huge part of entertainment in many individuals' lives. It has paved the way for watching shows and movies on television. It has also help keep the public informed about news around the world.
  • Google

    Google was founded in 1998 by Sergey Brin and Larry Page. It is one of the most popular known web-based search engines in today's world. It has enhanced individuals lives in so many ways. It has allowed for individuals to have accessible information and communicate. Google has become a necessity in many individuals everyday lives. Through email, Google maps, Google drive, Google calendar, and so much more.