Technology/ Electrical Advancements Timeline

  • Electric Battery

    Electric Battery
    1800: The electric battery was one of the earliest electrical inventions of the 1800’s, it was invented by Volta and was significant in proving that electricity could travel over wires.
  • Ultraviolet Radiation

    Ultraviolet Radiation
    Ultraviolet radiation was discovered by Johann Wilhelm Ritter, it is an electromagnetic radiation, it is produced by electric arcs and things such as black lights.
  • Loom

    The loom, not necessarily an electronic punched wooden cards to automatically weave fabric designs which was similar to the punch cards computers eventually used.
  • Steam Powered Pumping Station

    Steam Powered Pumping Station
    The steam powered pumping station is brought about by The Fairmount Water Works, at the time it was used to supply the entire city of Philadelphia.
  • Coal Gas Lighting

    Coal Gas Lighting
    Coal gas lighting was patented by Freidrich Winzer, and it used coal gas and was used for lighting areas such as houses and other areas.
  • Steam Locomotive

    Steam Locomotive
    Steam locomotive was invented by Richard Trevithick which ran on rails and was able to haul a significant amount of weight, it ran on a steam engine.
  • Atomic Theory

    Atomic Theory
    John Dalton developed his significant Atomic Theory which changed how many scientists think by stating that matter is made up of very small units called atoms.
  • Amphibious Vehicle

    Amphibious Vehicle
    The amphibious vehicle was invented by Oliver Evans, it had a steam powered engine with wooden wheels, although it didn’t come to be used a lot, it was the start of an age filled with a number of automobiles.
  • Coffee Pot

    Coffee Pot
    The coffee pot was invented by Benjamin Thompson which was used to strain away the grounds with a metal sieve and the concept still used today for making coffee around the world.
  • Electric Arc Lamp

    Electric Arc Lamp
    Davy invents the electric arc lamp, they were basically the only option available for electric lamps, and they were just used for basic lighting until Edison later came along.
  • Improved Printing Press

    Improved Printing Press
    Fredrick Koenig invents an improved printing press which applies pressure and transfers ink from the press to another material such as paper or cloth.
  • Plastic Surgery

    Plastic Surgery
    The first plastic surgery was performed by Joseph Carpue, it was a success, it was performed on an officer who had lost his nose and they were able to repair it.
  • Spectroscope

    German, Joseph Von Faraunhofer invented the spectroscope, it was designed for the chemical analysis of glowing objects.
  • Miners Lamp

    Miners Lamp
    Humphrey Davy invents the miners lamp, which is a safety lamp that was used for lighting in flammable atmospheres as an alternative of lamps that could catch fire and serve as a hazard for miners underground.
  • Telegraph

    Francis Ronalds built the first telegraph which used signals which were effective in communications with militaries to share information.
  • Kaleidoscope

    The kaleidoscope was invented by Sir David Brewster which is a hand held tube usually that uses mirrors to produce changing symmetrical patterns, it is used mostly for entertainment than anything else.
  • Profile Lathe

    Profile Lathe
    The profile lathe was invented as a woodworking lathe, it had the ability to do the same amount of labor as 13 men and also lowered the price of wood
  • Fire Extinguisher

    Fire Extinguisher
    The fire extinguisher was invented by Captain, George William B Manby, it was significant to prevent the dangers of fire in things such as households, it consisted of a solution with compressed air and is applied to fire and puts it out efficiently.
  • Soda Fountain

    Soda Fountain
    Samuel Fahnestock patents the soda fountain which was rather a luxury than a necessity, it was used in certain public buildings to pour out soda and make serving soda easier.
  • Stethoscope

    Rene Laennec invents the stethoscope which is still used today by doctors for listening to the internal sounds of the body to gather data of heart rate and breathing.
  • Magnetic Field

    Magnetic Field
    The fact that an electric field creates a magnetic field was discovered accidentally by Hans Orsted, this led to other discoveries in the field of magnetism.
  • Galvanometer

    The galvanometer was invented by Johann Schweigger and was used for detecting and measuring electrical current, it also allowed Georg Ohm to formulate that the voltage across a conductor is directly proportional to the current through it.
  • Thermoelectricity

    Thermoelectricity which is the conversion between heat and electricity, was invented by Thomas Seebeck, and was a significant equation for scientific discoveries.
  • Electric Motor

    Electric Motor
    Faraday invented the first electric motor which was the beginning of an era of cars and other automobiles that need motors in order to run.
  • Difference Engine

    Difference Engine
    The difference engine was invented by Charles Babbage which was a mechanical calculator and had the ability to tabulate polynomial functions.
  • Calculator

    Charles Babbage has the idea of a calculator like device, the project fails, but later on his idea leads to inventions like the computer.
  • Electromagnet

    The electromagnet was invented by William Sturgeon which led to today’s electromagnet which is used in many important electrical devices such as motors and generators.
  • Photograph

    Niepce makes the first modern photograph which was important to share scenery of important events of the time, and was the start of many photographic inventions.
  • Electrical Resistance

    Electrical Resistance
    The concept of electrical resistance was discovered by Ohm and is a measure of difficulty to pass and electric current through that conductor.
  • Promethean Match

    Promethean Match
    The Promethean match was patented by Samuel Jones, these matches were safer than the other matches made in the time because it didn’t use phosphorus, it used acid and an igniting composition.
  • Lawnmower

    The lawnmower was invented by Edwin Budding England, it uses a blade to cut grass, at the time it was used for expensive gardens and sports grounds but today it is owned by many to mow lawns of their own..
  • DC Motor

    DC Motor
    Joseph Henry made the first prototype DC motor which converted electrical power into mechanical power, which relied on the important invention of magnetic fields.
  • Electromagnetic induction

    Electromagnetic induction
    Electromagnetic induction was invented by Michael Faraday which is the production of an electromotive force, and it explained how a magnetic field interacts with an electric circuit.
  • DC Generator

    DC Generator
    The DC generator was made by an instrument maker (Pixii) oddly enough. The generator was kind of a reversal to back up the DC motor, it turned mechanical energy into electrical energy.
  • Sewing Machine

    Sewing Machine
    The sewing machine was invented by Walter Hunt and is a significant invention for the industry of clothing since it has the ability to repair some clothing
  • Transformer

    Irish scientist, Callan, invented the transformer which transfers electrical energy between 2 or more circuits. They are in many households and are a vital tool for the Air Conditioner.
  • Application For Electric Motor

    Application For Electric Motor
    Thomas Davenport finds the first practical application for the electric motor and makes the first power tools with it, which are an important part in certain labor to this day.
  • Electric Railroad Car

    Electric Railroad Car
    Davenport, along with the power tools also used the electric motor to make the first ever electric railroad car, this was significant because of how important the railroad was at the time.
  • Electric Relay

    Electric Relay
    Englishman, Edward Davy invented the electric relay, they are used for opening and closing circuits electronically, and they usually operate a switch with an electromagnet.
  • Fuel Cell

    Fuel Cell
    Grove developed the fuel cell which produces electrical energy by combining hydrogen and oxygen, it also converts chemical energy into electricity in a chemical reaction.
  • Blueprint

    John Herschel invents the blueprint, which is essentially a plan for the producing of something, it revolutionized efficient building, and made making things better.
  • Law of Electrical Heating

    Law of Electrical Heating
    J.P. Joule develops his law of electrical heating which states that heat which is evolved by the proper action of any voltaic current is equal to the intensity of the current squared.
  • Grain Elevator

    Grain Elevator
    The grain elevator is built by Joseph Dart, which is a bucket elevator that comes down and scoops up grain and deposits it in a silo or other storage area.
  • Computer Program

    Computer Program
    Ada Lovelace invents a computer program which allows computers to function effectively which obviously lead to the computer programming of today which is very important with how a computer performs certain tasks
  • Facsimile

    The facsimile is invented by Alexander Bain, the inventor of the Fax Machine which is a copy of something important from history such as books but they are also closely related to advances in printmaking.
  • Telegraph

    The telegraph was invented by Samuel Morse, and was a huge invention for its time, it was very effective in communication for militaries and other important situations.
  • Kirchoff's Circuit Laws

    Kirchoff's Circuit Laws
    Gustav Kirchoff developed Kirchoff’s Circuit laws which are two equalities that have to do with the current potential difference, The equations work for both AC circuits and DC circuits.
  • Fax Machine

    Fax Machine
    The fax machine is invented by Alexander Bain and was based off chemical technology, and is used for sending and receiving documents.
  • Cylinder Printing Press

    Cylinder Printing Press
    The cylinder printing press was made by Richard Hoe which made things easier for making impressions of ink, before it took a lot of effort and was very difficult, it was first step in making the modern printer.
  • Water Turbine

    Water Turbine
    James Francis invents the water turbine it converts potential and kinetic energy into mechanical work, and it is now used in many hydropower plants around the world.
  • AC Generator

    AC Generator
    Michael Faraday a British scientist invented a practical AC generator which also converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.
  • Ice Machine

    Ice Machine
    Dr. John Gorrie invents the ice machine, which, as it sounds makes ice on a large scale by freezing water and efficiently produces ice overtime.
  • Mass Producing Steel

    Mass Producing Steel
    Henry Bessemer creates a new method for mass producing steel, this new found method obviosuly led to many steel factories, including places such as Carnegie Steel.
  • Elevator Brake

    Elevator Brake
    Elisha Graces Otis invented the elevator brake which was a safety upgrade for the quickly growing in popularity elevator, it prevented elevators from falling if the hoisting cable fails.
  • Pasteurization

    Louis Pasteur invents pasteurization, which is a method of preserving certain types of foods by using the strategy of killing bacteria.
  • Telephony

    Charles Bourseul proposes telephony, which has to do with the telephone and the operation of their systems, this was a start to the development of the telephone.
  • Light House

    Light House
    The first light house that was electrically powered was developed in England, they were built up very tall and sent off a light to guide ships to where they needed to be.
  • Passenger Elevator

    Passenger Elevator
    The passenger elevator was invented by Alisha Otis, the elevator is obviously a huge invention for factories, hotels, and other important buildings, it is used immensely to this day.
  • Burglar Alarm

    Burglar Alarm
    The burglar alarm was invented by Edwin Holmes and was obviously used to set off and alarm if an intruder entered a building, it is very significant for safety purposes.
  • Internal Combustion Engine

    Internal Combustion Engine
    Jean Lenoir invents an internal combustion engine which is an engine lightweight engine that was a significant improvement in safety from the engine it replaced which was the steam engine.
  • Microphone

    Johann Reis invented the microphone which converts sound into an electrical signal, and is still used today to make peoples voices louder usually for when speaking to crowds.
  • Vacuum Cleaner

    Vacuum Cleaner
    The vacuum cleaner is invented by John Thurman and it is of course still used today to clean up messes by sucking up dust and dirt from the ground.
  • Twist Drill

    Twist Drill
    The twist drill was invented by Stephen A. Morse, the twist drill was a bit with two cut grooves in opposite sides of a round bar, and the twisted bar produces a flute that enables it to drill holes in things such as wood.
  • Kinematoscope

    The kinematoscope is invented by Coleman Sellers II, it is a device that presents the illusion of motion picture using the principles of stereoscopy.
  • Rotary Printing Press

    Rotary Printing Press
    The rotary printing press is invented by William Bullock, it was a printing press that could feed paper on a continuous roll and print both sides of the paper at once, which was a huge step towards the modern day printer.
  • Transatlantic Telegraph

    Transatlantic Telegraph
    The Transatlantic telegraph cable is invented and is an undersea cable in the Atlantic Ocean and is used for telegraph communications.
  • Motorcycle

    The motorcycle was invented by Sylvester Howard Roper, it had two wheels with steam propulsion, they are still very popular today for an alternative to cars.
  • Reinforced Concrete

    Reinforced Concrete
    Joseph Monier invents reinforced concrete, which is just concrete with extra strength used to potentially prevent things such as cracking that could happen to regular concrete.
  • Refrigerator Car

    Refrigerator Car
    The refrigerator car was invented by J.B. Sutherland, it was designed to carry perishable freight at specific temperatures, which basically was the beginning of the modern day coolers, because it was a way to move cold foods from place to place.
  • Modern Typewriter

    Modern Typewriter
    Sholes invents the modern typewriter with the QWERTY keyboard, the typewriter allows you type things onto a page such as information.
  • DC Electric Generator

    DC Electric Generator
    Thomas Edison built a DC electric generator, which is direct current electricity and it eventually provided the entire state of New York electricity.
  • Pelton Wheel

    Pelton Wheel
    Lester Pelton invents the Pelton wheel which was a type of impulse water turbine that extracts energy from the impulse of moving water.
  • Telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone which was and is still used all around the world for efficient communication by transmitting speech.
  • Electric Carbon Arc Lamp

    Electric Carbon Arc Lamp
    Engineer, Pavel Yablochkov invents the electric carbon arc lamp which produced light using an electric arc, it was used for certain things such as movie projectors.
  • Primitive Loud Speaker

    Primitive Loud Speaker
    Industrialist, Werner von Siemens develops the primitive loud speaker which transfers sound by using electroacoustic transducer which converts an audio signal into a sound, today it is used to intensify sounds such as music or a speech.
  • Phonograph

    Thomas Edison invented the phonograph, which played back recorded sound, it uses cylinders to reproduce sound on a metal foil.
  • Flare Gun

    Flare Gun
    Edward Very invents the flare gun which was used for sending distressed flares at sea if a ship is in need of something or has found itself in a dangerous situation and needs assistance.
  • Moving Pictures

    Moving Pictures
    Eadweard Muybridge invents the first moving pictures which was just a series of pictures in motion which led to the significant improvements of motion picture and videos which have become to be so important.
  • Hydroelectric Plant

    Hydroelectric Plant
    The first hydroelectric plant is developed in Cragside, England and it stores river water which eventually activates a generator to produce electricity.
  • Light Bulb

    Light Bulb
    The light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison, it is an electric light with wiring, it is heated up to a point where it is hot enough to glow with a visible light.
  • Electric Lamp

    Electric Lamp
    Inventor of the light bulb, Thomas Edison patents the incandescent electric lamp, which of course produces light, along with the assistance of heat.
  • Piezoelectric Effect

    Piezoelectric Effect
    Pierre and Paul- Jacques Curie discover the piezoelectric effect which is the appearance of an electrical potential across the sides of a crystal.
  • Metal Detector

    Metal Detector
    The metal detector is invented by the inventor of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell, the metal detector uses electromagnetic induction to detect metals usually underground.
  • Fan

    The fan is invented by Schuyler Skaats Wheeler and it contained a series of blades that were typically powered by an electric motor that spun around and created air flow for an area.
  • Power Plant

    Power Plant
    Thomas Edison opens the world’s first power plants, which is able to generate electricity in very large quantities which is what is used to supply power for sometimes an entire region.
  • Autoclave

    Chamberland invents the autoclave which are machines that sterilizes things efficiently and effectively such as hospital equipment.
  • Mining Method

    Mining Method
    Carrie Jane Billings Everson invents new ways of mining gold, involving mineral concentration which led to more efficiency in the mining industry which was rather popular at the time.
  • Zinc- Carbon Battery

    Zinc- Carbon Battery
    Carl Gassner invents the zinc- carbon battery which was the first dry cell battery, this battery was the right size to make portable electronics practical.
  • Gasoline Automobile

    Gasoline Automobile
    Karl Benz invents the first automobile that was able to run off of gasoline, this automobile method of using gasoline is obviously still used today for vehicles.
  • Wind Turbine

    Wind Turbine
    The first wind turbine was invented by James Blyth; it uses wind to make electricity by converting winds kinetic energy into electrical power.
  • Fuse

    Thomas Edison invented the fuse can be used to replace a circuit breaker which protects an electrical circuit from harm from an overload or a short circuit.
  • Jukebox

    The jukebox was invented by Louis Glass and William S. Arnold, it is a device that plays music, it usually requires coins to be operated, and it plays music of the users choice.
  • Smoke Detector

    Smoke Detector
    The smoke detector was invented by Francis Robbins Upton, it is a device that detects smoke and then sets off a signal, it is still widely used today.
  • Escalator

    Jesse W. Reno patented the escalator, which is used widely today in large 2 or more story buildings to transport people up and down in large quantities with efficiency, they are in essence, moving stairs.
  • Spectroheliograph

    The spectroheliograph was invented by George Ellery Hale, it was used in astronomy and it captured photographic images of the sun at a single wavelength of light.
  • Radio Receiver

    Radio Receiver
    Alexander Stepanovich Poppov decleoped a radio receiver which uses an antenna to receive wave lengths and converts those wavelengths to alternating currents.
  • Radio Signal

    Radio Signal
    The first radio signal was sent out and received by Guglielmo Marconi, this was a big leap in digital communication such as phone calls and texting messages.
  • Oscilloscope

    The oscilloscope was invented by Karl Braun, it was an electric test instrument. It was able to observe the change of an electrical signal over a period of time.
  • Remote Control

    Remote Control
    The remote control was patented by Nikola Tesla it is used in today’s society widely to operate things without wires, digitally such as gaming consoles and TV’s.
  • Electric Flash Lamp

    Electric Flash Lamp
    1899: Joshua Lionel Cowen invented the electric flash lamp used an electric circuit to trigger a fuse to ignite an explosive for things like magnesium, it could also be used in flash photography.
  • Air Conditioner

    Air Conditioner
    The air conditioner was invented by Willis Carrier, although it was likely thought of as more of a luxury than a necessity, the air conditioner removes heat from an area which cools the air and gets rid of humidity.
  • Airplane

    The Wright brothers, Wilbur and Orville built the engine powered airplane which allows fast transportation through the sky and are obviously still used today for transportation around the world.
  • Windshield Wipers

    Windshield Wipers
    Mary Anderson patents the windshield wipers, they are a huge part of automobile use in today’s society, they are able to remove rain or snow from a windshield, which makes visibility better for driving safely.
  • Chainsaw

    Samuel J.Bens invented the chainsaw which runs off of gasoline and has a chain with a saw blade built into it, they usually have around 30 sharp teeth and is used for cutting things such as wood.
  • Theory of Relativity

    Theory of Relativity
    : Einstein developed his famous Theory of Relativity, the theory was able to explain particles interactions and described their physical phenomena, it also introduced things such as spacetime.
  • Photoelectric Effect

    Photoelectric Effect
    Albert Einstein developed the photoelectric effect which is the production of electrons or other carriers when being exposed to a light on a certain material.
  • Chromatography

    Chromatography is discovered by Mikhail Tswett, it is a way of separating the mixture of a certain amount of chemicals, it also explained what happens when ink is on wet paper.
  • Washing Machine

    Washing Machine
    Alva Fisher invents the electric washing machine, it is the expensive but easier alternative to washing clothes by hand, it works with detergent and a mixture of programs in order to efficiently wash clothes.
  • Affordable Car

    Affordable Car
    The Ford Model T, the first affordable car, for the average citizen was invented by American industrialist, Henry Ford, the engine was able to generate 20 horsepower and had a top speed of 40-45mph.
  • Principles of TV

    Principles of TV
    Alan Archibald Campbell- Swinton, a Scottish engineer made up the principles of the television before the technology for it even existed he determined that cathode ray tubes could be used as a transmitter and was able to receive light, the television was later invented later and is used widely today for viewing videos.
  • Headset

    The headset was invented by Stanford student, Nathaniel Baldwin, a headset are headphones combined with a microphone, so they could serve the purpose of the telephone but they wouldn’t require the use of hands.
  • Autopilot

    Autopilot is invented by Lawrence Sperry, it is an electrical system that is able to control and guide a vehicle without the assistance of an operator, which makes flying and or driving easier for the operator.
  • Traffic Light

    Traffic Light
    The electric traffic light is invented by Lester Wire who was a policeman, it is usually set up at intersections, it is used to make driving safer, telling drivers to stop or go at a safe time while also allowing pedestrians to cross the road safely at certain times.
  • Regenerative Circuit

    Regenerative Circuit
    The regenerative circuit was invented by Edwin Armstrong, it applies the capability of an electronic signal to be amplified multiple times by the same component.
  • Light Switch

    Light Switch
    The toggle light switch was patented by Newton and Goldberg, it is used to operate electric lights using equipment that is permanently connected, it is used widely today for lighting in houses.
  • Condenser Microphone

    Condenser Microphone
    Edward Christopher Wente invented the condenser microphone which, is of course is a microphone that contains a capacitator, its consists of two plates, that work together to change capacitance.
  • Superheterodyne Receiver

    Superheterodyne Receiver
    The superheterodyne receiver was invented the regenerative circuit, Edwin Armstrong, its use in electronic was to mix frequencies to change a normal received signal into a fixed intermediate frequency.
  • Crystal Oscillator

    Crystal Oscillator
    Alexander M. Nicholson invented the crystal oscillator, which is an electronic circuit that uses a number of materials to make an electrical signal with a precise frequency.
  • Toaster

    The pop-up toaster was invented by Charlie Strite, today it is a house hold appliance that simply toasts things that you insert into one of the slots and pops up after a period of time.
  • Blender

    The blender was invented by Stephen J. Poplawski, it is a common household kitchen appliance that is able to mix various fruits and liquids together for certain beverages.