Technology of the 1950s

  • Barcodes

    Invented by Joseph Woodland and Bernard Silver
    A series of printed parallel bars that hold a code which when scanned by lasers is recognized and decoded by various software. This made shopping a lot easier.
  • Transistor Radio

    Transistor Radio
    Invented by Texas Instruments
    Small radio powered by transistors. It paved the way for personal music players that followed.
  • Solar Cell

    Solar Cell
    Invented by Chaplin, Fuller, and Pearson
    Converted solar light into electricity. This was the basis for solar energy today.
  • Computer Modem

    Computer Modem
    Invented by AT&T
    Increased the teletype speed to approximately 150 bits per second.
  • Internal Pacemaker

    Internal Pacemaker
    Invented by Wilson Greatbatch
    Used electro-therapy to regulate non-rhythmic patterns in the heart.