Technology Progression

  • Technology Progression

    Technology Progression
    My uncle bought me a small radio that I would while at home and even when I went visiting my friends; it was small and portable.
  • Tech

    My father bought a computer for his home office; he would use it to type letters; reply emails and perform statistical analyses; I would use it once in a while to play music on YouTube; I would also download songs using his computer.
  • Tech

    I bought my first phone (Alkatel) from my savings; I would use it to chat with my friends who had traveled overseas at the time; I downloaded a social medial platform known as 2gO which provided different functionalities that allowed chatting with people and entering varied chat groups
  • Tech

    I bought a high-end iPhone and a top of the range MacBook; I use the later for schoolwork and use my phone for entertainment and communication. I have a host of applications such as the Twitter, and the Facebook apps on my phone.
  • tech

    My aunt gifted me with a gaming console; my friends and I would spend a lot of our time playing video games and competing against each other; we did not do much for ourselves during that period expect gaming and performing other duties that were assigned to us by parents.