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Technology Timeline

  • First Camera phone is introduced to market

    First Camera phone is introduced to market
    Softbank of Japan released the first cellphone equipped with a camera, called the J-phone J-SH04. Within a year cameras would become a ubiquitous feature on cellphones, something that we're still seeing the results of today.
  • Windows XP released to the public

    Windows XP released to the public
    This represented the first OS from windows that combined both their consumer and business products into one OS. This was also the first consumer OS from Microsoft to not be based on MS-DOS
  • Arduino Released

    Arduino Released
    Arduino effectively revitalized the hobbyist computer scene in the US, allowing for tinkerers to cheaply and easily build projects off of, it is a favorite of the worldwide "maker" movement. Inventors: Massimo Banzi, David Cuartielles, Tom Igoe, Gianluca Martino, and David Mellis
  • Amazon Launches Cloud-Based Services

    Amazon Launches Cloud-Based Services
    Amazon web Services (AWS) was launched in 2006. AWS has gone on to become a backbone of the internet as we know it today, and was the first major "cloud" service to come online.
  • "Bitcoin: A peer-to-peer Electronic Cash System" published by Satoshi Nakamoto

    "Bitcoin: A peer-to-peer Electronic Cash System" published by Satoshi Nakamoto
    While the first coins weren't mined until 2009, the pseudonymous "Satoshi Nakamoto" published their landmark technical paper detailing the technology that would widely come to known as in the public conscious as "Block-chain technology". While Bitcoin itself is infamous for it's instability and ties to black-market dealings, the technology behind it holds the potential to revolutionize how we secure and verify data.