History of Television

  • Electricity

    Scientists begin to work with electricity.
  • Abbe Giovanna Caselli

    Abbe Giovanna Caselli
    Abbe Giovanna Caselli invents the Pantelegraph.
  • Photophone

    Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison invent the invent the photophone
  • Charles Francis Jenkins

    Charles Francis Jenkins projects a filmed motion picture.
  • Television is invented

    John Logie Baird creates the first television.
  • TV demonstrated

    TV demonstrated
    Philo T. Farnsworth demonstrates the television at just 21 years old.
  • CBS

    CBS becomes the first major TV network.
  • Colored Television

    In 1954, the colored television begins to sell.
  • TV from the moon

    Neil Armstrong's landing is brodcasted to the United States.
  • High Definition

    High Definition
    In 1969, Nippon Hs unviels high definition TV.
  • Televison use

    In 1992, about 900 million people have a TV set.
  • Ultra High Definition

    Ultra High Definition
    Ultra High Definition TV is announced to the public.
  • Television use

    Over 1 billion people own a TV set.