Untitled (16)

TEN significant events in the aboriginal fight for justice

By 15226
  • Day of mourning

    Day of mourning
    Australian Aborigines Conference held on January 26 in Sydney marking a Day of Mourning the 150th anniversary of the NSW colony.
  • aboriginals fight for their families

    aboriginals fight for their families
    Under new legislation, the Aborigines Welfare Board, replaces the Aborigines Protection Board. This new legislation makes it more difficult to segregate Indigenous children from their families
  • Child Endowment Act

    Child Endowment Act
    Right to receipt of child endowment for Indigenous Australians restored under the Child Endowment Act 1941
  • Social Services Act

    Social Services Act
    Social Services Act allows Indigenous Australians allowances, previously held by a government official, to be paid to a third party
  • freedom riders demand equal treatment

    freedom riders demand equal treatment
    a group led by aboriginal activists made a bus tour through new south wales. they protested about discrimination in shops, theatres, bars, clubs and swimming pools.
  • gurindji people damand a better deal

    gurindji people damand a better deal
    200 workers walked off the wave hill cattle station in the northern territory. they wanted better wages and conditions, and their traditional land back and they aventually gained ownership of the area in 1985.
  • white voters demand a better deal for first australians

    white voters demand a better deal for first australians
    after a 90 percent 'yes' votes the government gave the aboriginals the right to vote.
  • aboriginal tent embassy set up in camberra

    aboriginal tent embassy set up in camberra
    the embassy said that blacks were now going to get up and fight back on the issues of education, health, ect..
  • land right to be granted to first australians

    land right to be granted to first australians
    a government commission recommended that aboriginals should get back the land where they traditionally lived.
  • first aboriginal land rights act

    first aboriginal land rights act
    the northern territory law gave the indigenous people some areas of arid and largly useless land.