thanksgiving assignment

  • 1054

    great schilsim

    a big religious disagreement which lead to a lot of conflict
  • 1200

    The inquisition

    a powerpoint in the catholic church that rooted thriugh europe to america even though it has been around for awhile the inquisition was infamous do to the tortures they did to jews
  • 1215

    Parliament established

    this was established so that the king may not be able to collect any taxes accept feudal taxes which over time developed into a parliament
  • 1215

    Magna Carter

    is a document giving everyone the right to justice and a fair trial
  • 1279

    Song Dynasty

    they were known for great advancements in technology like making the compass gunpowder and more
  • 1325

    Tenochtitlan Established

    it is the capitial of a empire and legend says that it is facing towards the direction fo their god,Huitzilopochtli
  • 1347

    Black Death

    its is the dadliest oandemic known in our history if you don't count the (corona virus) it spreaded through trade and lead up to 75-200million deaths over a 4 year span
  • 1368

    Mongol Empire

    a force of foot soilders with advanced technology during their time they were known for creating the second largest kingdom in hsitory
  • 1368

    yuan dynasty

    a successor state for the mongol empire which ruled over china
  • 1400

    pax monglica

    where known as the mongol peace and that is a name you really wouldn't expect from the mongols
  • 1433

    voyages of zheng he

    a feet of ships looking for treasure
  • 1453

    100 years war end

    it was a conflict of succesion and when bordeaux surrendered leaving calais as the last english posession
  • 1500

    high middle age

    the aftermath of the black pluage which took over a 3rd of europes population
  • 1521

    Aztec Empire

    it was an alliance of three city states it was known for its elaborate religious life and complex social organization plus their elegant literature
  • the ming dynasty

    rules china for nearly 2 centuries and was known for its trade expansion drama literature and porcelain