The 13 Colonies By: Keegan Meadows #8

  • 1606

    King James the 1 divided the Atlantic seaboard into 2, giving the southern half to the London Company, and giving the other half to the Plymouth Company.
  • Period: to

    The 13 colonies

  • 1619

    The first Aferacain American slaves arived.
  • 1620

    A small group of Putitains arrived in Plymouth.
  • 1632

    The English crowned about 12,000,000 acres of land at the top of Chesapeake Bay to Celilus Cakvert.
  • 1664

    King Charles II gave the territory between New England and Virginia, much of which was already occupied by Dutch traders and landowners called patroons, to his brother James, the Duke of York. The English soon absorbed Dutch New Netherland and renamed it New York,
  • 1665

    Connectiaut and New Haven combined
  • 1680

    In 1680, the king granted 45,000 square miles of land west of the Delaware River to William Penn, a Quaker who owned large swaths of land in Ireland.
  • 1700

    In 1700, there were about 250,000 European and African settlers in North America’s thirteen English colonies.
  • 1732

    Inspired by the need to build a buffer between South Carolina and the Spanish settlements in Florida, the Englishman James Oglethorpe established the Georgia colony. In many ways, Georgia’s development mirrored South Carolina
  • 1775

    On the eve of revolution, there were nearly 2.5 million. These colonists did not have much in common, but they were able to band together and fight for their independence.