
The 1950's

  • Korean War Begins

    Korean War Begins
    North Korean soldiers invade South Korean in Soviet tanks. North Korea is aided by China while South Korea is allies with the US and UN.
  • China Invades Tibet

    China Invades Tibet
    On October 7th China invades Tibet. It took two weeks for the message of the invasion to reach the captital and in that time China had already made great progress, claiming much ground. 173,221 Tibetans died after being tortured in prison.
    156,758 Tibetans were executed by the Chinese.
    432,705 Tibetans were killed while fighting Chinese soldiers.
    342,970 Tibetans have starved to death.
    92,731 Tibetans publicly tortured to death.
    9,002 Tibetans committed suicide.
  • First Commercial Computer Built

    First Commercial Computer Built
    Designed by John Mauchly and John Presper Eckert and named Univac.
  • First Nuclear Reactor Built

    First Nuclear Reactor Built
    First Nuclear reactor was built with the intentions of becomeing the main source of energy; however nuclear waste and how to properly dispose of it soon became a problem.
  • The Mau Mau Rebellion Begins

    The Mau Mau Rebellion Begins
    Makes way for Kenya's independence
  • First Hydrogen Bomb is Tested

    First Hydrogen Bomb is Tested
    The US detonated the 65 ton bomb named Ivy Mike destroying a small island and leaving behind a crater two miles wide and half a mile deep.
  • East German Tensions Rise

    Strikes and pro-democracy riots take place. The Soviets respond by sending in tanks and troops.
  • Julius and Ethel Rosenberg Electrocuted

    Julius and Ethel Rosenberg Electrocuted
    Julius and Ethel Rosenberg where Soviet spies who sold atomic secrets to the USSR. They where convicted for treason and electrocuted.
  • Roger Bannister Sets World Record

    Roger Bannister Sets World Record
    Roger Bannister ran a mile in under four minutes and pushed the limits of human physical accomplishment.
  • Rescue of Guatemala

    Rescue of Guatemala
    CIA's second seccessful coup d'etat. Fought communism and to protect American interests.
  • Rock and Roll

    Rock and Roll
    Bill Haley & His Comets make rock popular with the hit single "Rock Around the Clock"
  • The Warsaw Pact

    The Warsaw Pact
    The USSR and other satellites form the Warsaw Pact in response to the formation of NATO.
  • Rosa Parks Protests

    Rosa Parks Protests
    42 year old Rosa Parks refuses to move to the back of the bus sparking reform against segregation laws.
  • Tv Remote Invented

    Tv Remote Invented
    The first wireless TV remote was invented in 1956 inabling viewers to change channels, mute the tv and turn it on and off.
  • The Andrea Doria Sinks

    The Andrea Doria Sinks
    The Andrea Doria was supposed to be an unsinkable boat, It hat a watertight hull and the newest technology. 46 people died but a catastrophe of Titanic proportions was avoided due to better safety measures and a more organized staff.
  • Sputnik Launches

    Sputnik Launches
    The Soviets lauch the space age with Sputnik
  • Laika Becomes the First Animal in Space

    Laika Becomes the First Animal in Space
    Laika went to space on the Sputnik two and successfully made it though the atmosphere. The Soviets didn't plan for re-entry though and Laika died in space causeing debates on animal rights.
  • Legos introduced

    Legos introduced
  • Nasa Founded

    Nasa Founded
    Nasa was founded in order to pursue the space race and limit the notoriety of the USSR's success.
  • Hope Diamond Donated to the Smithsonian

    Hope Diamond Donated to the Smithsonian
  • Fidel Castro Becomes Dictator of Cuba

    Fidel Castro Becomes Dictator of Cuba
    America feels threatened by the growth of communism so close to home and how friendly Cuba is with the USSR.
  • Antarctic Treaty

    Antarctic Treaty
    Fully protected environment devoted to science.