Prehistoric Culture

By SusanC
  • 200,000 BCE

    Homo Sapiens apperared

    Homo Sapiens apperared
    Homo sapiens appeared around 200,00 years ago in East Africa. Latin term "homo sapiens" = wise men, identical with "modern men". The development in Africa, became physically and mentally fully human. Early hominins, scavenged meat from animals killed and only practically eaten by predators.
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  • 200,000 BCE

    Stone technique called Levallois

    Stone technique called Levallois
    Homo sapiens created a stone technique called Levallois derived from the name of a suburb of Paris, France. The technique let you chipped off small flakes from the edges, prepared stone core and hammered a larger flake- flat on the bottom, domed on top and sharpened by small flakes around edge.
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  • 150,000 BCE

    Rock Painting

    Rock Painting
    Around 15,000 years ago, Modern chemical analyses shown that rock painters knew how to grind and mix minerals to make different colors. They mixed charcoal and manganese dioxide to outline their paintings in black. When adding color they used other minerals,like hematite for red, and mixed in different finely proportions. Painters sketched the images before filling them in with paint and shading figures. image url :
  • 135,000 BCE

    Creations of symbols

    Creations of symbols
    Around 135,000 years ago, humans in what today is called Morocco in northwest Africa took seashells and fragments of ostrich eggshells perforated them, and put them on leather stripes as pendants and necklaces. image url:
  • 120,000 BCE

    Food gathering and preparation

    Around 120,000 years ago, food gathering and preparation in camps appear to have become more varied. Homo sapiens began to include shellfish collected on beaches and in lagoons in their diets. Later humans began catching fish on the coasts, lakes, and rivers in Africa. Trade networks sprang up, providing toolmakers with obsidian mined as far as 200 miles away. Males and females spent most of their time collecting and preparing vegetal foods together.
  • 120,000 BCE


    Their clothing consisted of skins and furs acquired though hunting and slung around their bodies.
  • 80,000 BCE


    Between 80,000 and 60,000 years ago, first group of modern humans left. First group left Africa for Asia by crossing one straits between Ethiopia and Yemen and between Oman and Iran, groups maked their way to India, Malaysia, and to Indonesia perhaps about 77,000 years ago. Some descendants seem to have kept on moving, reaching China about 70,000 years ago, sailing to Australia sometime after 60,000 years ago. image url
  • 60,000 BCE


    Around 60,000, the Aborigines in Australia, families that camped together and assisted each other in hunting and food gathering formed clans, which were units in which all families considered themselves a lineage of between 500 and 1,500 members. image url:
  • 44,000 BCE

    Migration from Asia to Europe

    Between groups of modern humans leaving Africa (80,000-60,000) and migrated to Europe 44,000 years ago, there was a 30,000 years gap in the middle. Homo sapiens were adapted to the cool and dry climate of the grassland and steppes with their large herds of bison, horses, and reindeer.
  • 11,000 BCE

    Living Conditions

    Living Conditions
    Homo sapiens possessed the technological and mental resource to survive including the bad climate conditions. Homo sapiens became sufficient in hunting small animals.Human mobility increased substantially. image url: