The American Revolution

  • The French & Indian War

    The French & Indian War
    The French & Indians were fighting for territory.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    This required colonists to buy a stamp for everything they did. This act was new to Parliaments but it was already common for Britain.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    Parliament started the tea act, this was started to help companys, But the colonists saw this act as complete control over colonial merchants. One night, men dressed as Mohawk Indians, Got on one of the Britsh Tea ships in the Boston Harbar, and started to throw pounds and pounds of tea into the water.
  • The fighting began

    The fighting began
    colonists created militia, which were soilders who offered to fight for them. Minutemen and the British soilders started fighting, no one knows who fired first but british killed 8 colonists and wounded 10. After the fight Minutement send British running back to Boston, Minutemen were camped around Boston daring British to fight again.
  • The Decloration of Independence

    The Decloration of Independence
    The Decloration of Independence was read, and there was chaos . A group of patriots tore down the King George lll statue.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    people started a boycott as a form of protest, colonist stop using British goods. One day a group of residents in Boston aproached the Brtish and a fight broke out. Britsh were shooting at residents who were, unarmed, and just standing there. After this happend parilaments did not have the spirit anymore to boycott. So adams tried to keep the spirit alive by organizing a gorup called the committees of