The American Revolution

  • Proclamation

    The Proclamation of 1763 protected the colonial settlers from being raided. This relates back to Locke because he states that you have rights, liberty, and property. The Proclamation protected that.
  • Declaratory Act

    The Sugar Act is an act that stated that there was a right to tax colonies. This disagrees with what Rousseau has to say because he said the government and the people are a social contract, in which the Sugar Act is not a social contract.
  • Tea Act

    The Tea Act was a tax placed on tea in the American Colonies. This relates back to Montesquieu because the government is using its power against the people
  • Boston Tea Party

    After tea was taxed, several barrels of tea were throw into the Boston Harbor. This was related most to Montesquieu because he said that the government used its power against you.
  • Olive-Branch Petition

    Congress endorses a proposal asking for recognition of American rights, the petition was then rejected by George III. The petition would related back to Locke because he believed that people had rights.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Statement adopted by the Second Continental Congress meeting which announced that the thirteen colonies regarded as thirteen colonies. Locke agreed to the second continental congress because he wanted rights, liberty, and property.