The Aztec Civilization

  • 1325

    Settling Tenochtitlán

    Settling Tenochtitlán
    Tenochtitlán is settled by the Mexica.
  • 1431

    Triple Alliance

    Triple Alliance
    Establishment of the Triple Alliance between the Mexica, the Acolhua, and the Tepaneca.
  • 1487

    Dedication of the Great Temple

    Dedication of the Great Temple
    The Aztecs all worshiped the temple as this was the third and strongest version.
  • Nov 8, 1519

    Cortes Arrives

    Cortes Arrives
    The Spanish leader arrived at the Aztec civilization they have a very big war.
  • 1521

    Fall of tenochtitlan

    Fall of tenochtitlan
    The Spanish ended up winning the war destroying Tenochtitlan in the process.