The Aztec Civilization

  • 1200

    Beginning of the Aztecs

    Beginning of the Aztecs
    The Aztecs appeared in Mesoamerica in the early 1300th century.
  • 1325

    Aztec's Established Tenochtitlán

    Aztec's Established Tenochtitlán
    The Aztecs thought that if they found an eagle on a cactus then that place would be their home. They found the eagle near the southwest border of Lake Texcoco so that is where they stablished their capital called Tenochtitlán
  • 1428

    Triple Alliance

    Triple Alliance
    The Aztecs formed an alliance with two other groups to defeat their most powerful rivals.
  • 1440

    Montezuma I Took Power

    Montezuma I Took Power
    Montezuma I was remembered as the father of the Aztec Empire and a great warrior.
  • 1521

    Decline of the Aztec

    Decline of the Aztec
    Hernán Cortés and the Spaniards conquered the Aztecs. They also got infected with smallpox.