The Beginnings of the Global Age

  • Period: Oct 2, 1492 to

    The development of globalism

  • Oct 12, 1492

    Christopher Columbus reaches the Americas

    Christopher Columbus reaches the Americas
    Christopher Columbus and his crew reach land in the Americas, believing that they have reached India. Soon they find out that they have discovered a new land, and with this begins the flood of exploration, and eventually, a global trade and travel system.
  • Sep 15, 1519

    The Spanish come to the Americas

    The Spanish come to the Americas
    The Spanish catch wind of this rich new land filled with gold and fertile soils and seek to claim some for themselves. They send conquistadors to conquer the lands and take them from the natives, thereby eventually setting up their own colonies as well as encouraging others to do the same.
  • Dec 2, 1540

    The Spanish force colonies to trade only with Spain

    The Spanish force colonies to trade only with Spain
    To ensure that the colonies economically benefited only Spain, Spain forbade the colonies from trading with anyone but Spain, monopolizing all the goods from their lands in the New World.
  • Apr 2, 1542

    The English and Dutch become bitter

    The English and Dutch become bitter
    The English and Dutch were jealous of the riches Spain and Portugal were taking all for themselves, declaring "I should like to see God's will, wherein he divided the Earth between Spain and Portugal." This led to smuggling and clandestine trades between the colonists and these countries.
  • Dec 2, 1549

    The Spanish force the natives into labor

    The Spanish force the natives into labor
    The conquistadors were granted encomiendas, the right to demand labor from the natives, which began the slave trade; not only were the Native Americans enslaved, but a priest named Bartolome de Las Casas urged the colonists to bring in slaves from Africa.
  • Jul 25, 1550

    The Atlantic slave trade begins the triangular trade system

    The Atlantic slave trade begins the triangular trade system
    With the Atlantic slave trade came the system of triangular trade, a three-legged trifecta of trade routes that enabled true international trade.
  • The colonies of different countries begin to fight

    The colonies of different countries begin to fight
    With so many countries vying for power in the New World- Spain, France, Portugal, England, and the Netherlands- skirmishes and disagreements turned to full-out war, more specifically between the British and the French, who despised one another. After the Seven Years' War, finally the Treaty of Paris was signed, ensuring Britain dominance in the New World.