Gentlemen in conversation  eastern han dynasty

The Chinese Dynasties

  • 1600 BCE

    Shang Dynasty

    Shang Dynasty
    This was the leading Chinese culture in the 1600's. They developed Chinese writing, war chariots, and acquired a lot of Bronze. The king was everything and he owned and ran all of the land. Zhou people bring an end to the dynasty after adopting all of the Shang cultures and traditions. After internal power struggles and political fights the Zhou take down the Shang Dynasty.
  • 1046 BCE

    Zhou Dynasty Arises

    Zhou Dynasty Arises
    11th century is when the Zhou rebel against the Shang Dynasty during their time of strife. When this new power comes in the people were not sure of the new leaders, this was the time of creation of "the Mandate of Heaven." This is one of the most important mandates in Chinese culture. It says that the ruler was to rule and is allowed to rule from permission from heaven. If the ruler was seen unfit, it would be passed on to another ruler.
  • 475 BCE

    Warring States

    Warring States
    The reason the Warring states is such an important time is this is when we see Chinese society become more open, market economy is developed, philosophical thought is expanded, iron tools and weapons, and people can rise higher in political positions. After placing the infant son of the last western king we see the individual territories fight to gain more power.
  • 221 BCE

    Qin Dynasty

    Qin Dynasty
    Qin was a strong regional state in western China upon legalism. In the 4th century Chang Yang allows peasants to migrate by granting them small private plots of land and allowed many people to grow their profits greatly. In the mean time hereditary aristocracy weakened and this allowed a more centralized power to grow. This starts a snow ball effect as Qin begins conquering neighboring territories. Shi-Huangdi becomes the first emperor.
  • 207 BCE

    Han Dynasty

    Han Dynasty
    After the fall of Qin, due to separating families and harboring ill will from their people the Qin will fall in 207 BCE. Rebels take over court and start a new dynasty. This new dynasty is lead by Liu Bang the rebel general. They wanted to take care of their people with knowledge, trade, and a bureaucratic system. But due to the lack of strong leadership the Han falls.