The Civil Rights Movement

  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Plessy v. Ferguson
    It started when a man that was 1/4 black sat in a white train car. The case was taked to the supreme court and the case ended with the phrase, "seperate but equal." Which means that there could still be segragation, but where they are segragated from must be equal.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    A mother took this case to court. She believed that her young daughter should not have to walk several miles to go to a public black school when there is a publc white school down the road. She won the court case because the racial segragation of public schools violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Admendment.
  • Emmett Till

    He went to Mississippi to visit his Uncle and was walking around town and went into a candy store. It was reported that, while in the store, that he flirted with a white woman. The woman's husband and brother-in-law tracked down Emmett and tortured him and killed him. People found him in the river outside of town.
  • Rosa Parks' Arrest

    Rosa Parks' Arrest
    Rosa wanted to sit on the bus after a long day of work. The bus began to fill and she had to get up, but she continued to sit. A man came on the bus and asked her to stand, but she told him off and continued to sit because she was tired. The bus driver called the police and she was arrested without a fight.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    It all started when Rosa Parks was arrest. The black community chose Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to lead the boycott. They went throught with the boycott with nonviolent protest. The boycott was a sucess because the black community made up 2/3 of the buses customer profit.
  • Little Rock Nine

  • Sit-ins

  • March on Washington

  • Selma

  • Nonviolent Passsive Resistence Movement

  • Birmingham, Alabama

  • Medgar Evers & Voting in Mississippi