
The Civil War and The Reconstruction Era

  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Missouri Compromise Rap
    22 states (11 free and 11 slave states)
    Missouri declared a slave state and Maine, a free state and there would no longer be slave states north of Missouri
    Temporary solution
    Slave abolitionists try to take advantage of this by declaring territory from mexico "free". Taken as a direct threat from the South
  • The Steel Plough & Other Farming Technologies

    The Steel Plough & Other Farming Technologies
    The invention of the steel plough (John Deere, 1837) with the combination of the reaper (McCormick, 1831) and the use of windmills to pump groundwater made it easier for farmers to irrigate crops
    After these inventions, a farmer could plant and tend 15 times the crops he/she could before
    This prompts the government to promote farming with the development of agricultural colleges
  • The Compromise of 1850

    The Compromise of 1850
    Quick Summary
    Texas gives up their claim on huge land mass for debt relief
    The gold rush pulls huge amounts of people to California which has it apply to be a state BUT it is half above and half below the Missouri Comprimise Line
    California is declared a "free" state
    Washington D.C. bans slave trade
    Left over territory decides slave laws by popular vote
  • Period: to

    The Crisis of the Union

    Americans face a crossroad when the topic of slavery comes up. For the South it is vital to their economy and way of life, BUT for the North which is more indusrty based, there is no need for slavery. The laws in the Constitution are put to the test and the Civil War breaks out. With Brother fighting Brother, the North comes out on top. America is devastated and scars are created that run deep and only fade with time.
  • Fugative Slave Act Passed

    Fugative Slave Act Passed
    Law allowing escaped slaves to be returned to their owners
    This infuriates abolitionists which doubles the efforts to help escaped slaves find freedom
    Southerners consider this just protecting their "property"
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin Published

    Uncle Tom's Cabin Published
    Best-selling novel that gave readers an insightful look at slave life in the 1850's
    Supported the Abolition of salvery
    Was acknowledged by Lincon in 1863 at the peak of the Civil War
    Banned in many Southern communities
  • Kansas - Nebraska Act of 1854 "Bleeding Kanas"

    Kansas - Nebraska Act of 1854 "Bleeding Kanas"
    Senator Stephen Douglas establishes two new staes, Kansas and Nebraska with slavery by populr vote under the assupmtion slavery will not pass
    A war over the territory erupts be tween pro-slavery supporters and anti-slavery supporters
    Extremist and abolitionist, John Brown rallies 21 troups, seizing the federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry
    U.S. forces led by Robet E. Lee capture Brown and execute him
    200 are left dead after the attacks
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    Lincon's Election Democrat vote is divided between Breckinridge and Douglas
    Border states form the Constitutional Union party which suports a demcratic comprimise
    Republicans support Lincoln who supports anti-slavery movements
    Lincoln wins the electoral vote and is elected President
  • Seceding from the Union and the Creation of the CSA

    Seceding from the Union and the Creation of the CSA
    Confederate States of America "Commercial" South Carolina secedes from the Union (Dec. 20th) with the North and within the following weeks, six other states follow by suit
    Febrauary 1861, the CSA (Confederate States of America) is formed in Alabama by the seceded states
    Jefferson Davis is chosen as the President
  • The Battle of Fort Sumter

    The Battle of Fort Sumter
    The Battle of Fort Sumter in Depth
    Lincoln and Davis have been preparing for War since the southern states seceded
    Davis orders his army to capture the Fort
    Lincoln wants peace but calls for backup ships from the North. They take too long to respond and there is massive bloodshed
    Union loses Fort Sumter
    Lincoln will not give in, this marks the begining of the Civil War
  • Period: to

    The Civil War

    Separated by their differences the North and the South go to war after the election of President Lincoln. This war would result in pushing them farther away from eachother and creating wounds that still exists in today's society. This war would also result in a massive number of csualties on both sides that would total to more than those of any war fought by Americans to this day.
  • Bull Run to Antietam

    Bull Run to Antietam
    Union strategy to cut off supplies to the South BUT the Union army is defeated and they flee back to Washington
    Lincon presses his commander to attack
    Confederates led by Robert E. Lee are victorious and Union army retreats (Seven Day's Battles)
    Dec. 1862, Union army attacks at Fredericksburg, Virginia
    Union army failure results in 12,000 casulties
  • The Homestead Act

    Offered new farmers 60 hectares of land cost-free if they lived on it for 5 years and irrigated crops on it
    But, many land grants did not support farming and/or did not support crops that could support a family
    Most settlers gave up on the plains because of the infertile lands and bought land from prospectors who were selling fertile land that could support them
    Act was a failed attept at bringing settlement into the West
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    The History Channel: Emancipation Lincoln declares the emancipation of 3 million slaves across the South to encourage them to join the war effort to gain more man power
    The Civil War was a war of attrition and the North wanted all the man power they could get
    Approx. 200,000 black men enlisted to be a apart of the war effort
  • The Battle at Gettysburg

    The Battle at Gettysburg
    The Aftermath of Gettysburg Largest battle in terms of casualties (Approx. 51,000 dead Union and Confederate soldiers)
    Battle raged 3 days
    Union army win because of their high-ground
  • The Gettysburg Adress

    The Gettysburg Adress
    More Information Abraham Lincoln adresses and comemorates the casualties at the battle of Gettysburg
    Shortest speech given by a President in American history
    Lincoln tries to motivate Union Soldiers by saying these men should not die for nothing
  • After Gettysburg

    After Gettysburg
    Ulysses S. Grant
    After the disapointing outcome at Gettysburg, Lincoln relives McClellan and appoints Ulysses S. Grant as general the Union forces; heis known as the "butcher of men" due to his merciless war tactics. The damage Grant inflicts totals to $100 million ($1.4 billion today)
    Grant's army closes in on Richmond
    General Robert E. Lee to Grant at Appomattox Court House, Virginia April 9th
    The Civil War ends
  • Lincon's Second Inaugural Address

    Lincon's Second Inaugural Address
    Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address
    Instead of gloating like people expect him to, Lincon delivers another short speech recapping the reasons for war and the steps to reconcile with the South
    DEcember 1863, Lincon is already making headway to reconcile with the South, starting with repairing damages in Louisiana
    His plan is "to bind up the nations wounds"
  • The Asassination of Abraham Lincoln

    The Asassination of Abraham Lincoln
    Lincoln's Assassination Story
    The Life of Abraham Lincoln
    Five days fter Lee's surrender, President Lincoln is shot in Ford's Theatre, Washingotn by a man named John Wilkes Booth
    Apparently, Booth was a part of a conspiracy involving assassinating other political figures such as Andrew Johnson and Ulysses S. Grant to avenge the South's defeat
    Lincoln is the only one who dies
  • Andrew Johnson Becomes President

    Andrew Johnson Becomes President
    As Lincoln's successor, Johnson becomes President after his assassination
    Johnson was a Southerner who was loyal to the Union and he was opposed to slavery BUT he didn't care about the slaves. He thought that the profits from slavery supressed lower clss white people from political and economic power
  • Period: to

    Reconstruction and Expansion

    The Civil War is over and America is whole again but the casualties from the war and the shame of loss will never be forgotten by the South. The President is assassinated and the country is put into the hands of incapable leaders. Blacks are granted more rights, but at cost. Racism is rampant and a new terrorist group (The Ku Klux Klan) forms. America expands its territory and new innovators step forward that will change the dynamic is the American dream forever.
  • The 13th Ammendment

    The 13th Ammendment
    The 13th Amendment Explained The 13th Amendement is ratified, ending slavery in America BUT this does not mean that extreme racism stops
    Racism and segragation throughout America (primarily in the Southern States) will continue for many years
  • The 14th Amendment

    The 14th Amendment
    The 14th Amendment Explained A new law representing the basic human rights of black Americans
  • The Klu Klux Klan

    The Klu Klux Klan
    The History Channel : The Klu Klux Klan A secret terrorist group focused on the attacks of newly freed black Americans
    Made up primarily of Civil War Veterans who were upset about the turnout of the war
    This rebel group acted as the law in southern towns and at one time held approx. 4 million members
  • Purchasing Alaska

    The idea of Amifest destiny continues with Alaska as America continues to try to expand its territory
    Alaska is purchased from Russia for $7.2 million ($106 million today)
    Alaska proves to be a great investment with access to furs, gold and eventually oil
  • The 15th Amendment

    The 15th Amendment
    The 15th Amendment Explained
    Declared that no merican man could be prevented from voting because of his race
    Also allowed the Federal Government to interfere with voting practices to ensure that all black men were being given the right to vote
    Inspired the rebellion for women's rights on the baisis that if men were to not be discriminated by colour, why should women be discriminated by their sex?
  • Merging of the Union Pacific and Central Pcific Railroads

    Six years earlier work had begun on this railroad
    The federal Governemnt subisidized the cost to encourage construction
    Railroad's become one of America's largest employers
    New access to travel leads to the expansion of the West
  • Depression of 1873

    Depression of 1873
    With the expansion west and the sudden boom in the economy, it crashes in 1873
    Railroad expansion and speculation in bonds had a large roll to play in the collapse
    Almost all railroads go out of service
    Banks close and the Stock exchange is hit hard
    National unemployment rate reaches 15 percent
    Unemployed workers travel from town to town for work known as "tramps"
    First ever economic crisis for the United States
  • The Centennial Exhibition

    A lavish exhibition held in Philadelphia celebrating American achievements
    Attempts were made to make peace with Natives by displaying many Aboriginal exhibits
    Symbolized an optimistic future for America and the end of Reconstruction
  • The Great Railroad Strike of 1877

    Due to the Depression Major Railroad wages had to be cut and people had to be laid off
    Workers were angry that their wages were not increasing with inflation and the cost of living which caused several strikes
    These strikes spread across the U.S. which stopped production by railroad companies
    Several cities experianced attacks by crowds of strikers (approx. 100 deaths) and extensive damaged were infliced on railroads (upwards of 80 million)
    Workers come to realize workers unions are needed
  • Founding of the American Red Cross

    Founding of the American Red Cross
    More Information Founded by Clara Barton who volunteered as a critical care nurse for ill soldiers and set up make-shift hospitals on battlegrounds
    1864, she was hand-picked by Abraham Lincoln to help trace missing Union soldiers
  • Carnegie and the Invention of Steel

    A young entrepreneur (Carnegie) established mills in Pittsburg and Western Pennsylvania
    Steel became a hot comodity. making Carnegie very wealthy and gaining him the title "the richest man in the world"
    Carnegie sells his company in 1901 for $225 million ($5.8 billion today)
  • The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

    Adventures of Huck Finn TrailerPublishing of famous and controversial book by Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) about an impoverished boy growing up before the Civil War in Missippi
    Had a huge impact on American literature and helped further develop other writers creations
    Twain's other books such s "The Guilded Age: A Tale of Today (1873)" "Tom Sawyer (1876)" and "The Prince and the Pauper (1822)" help reveal American society post and pre Civil War