The Cold War

  • HUAC (House Un-American Activities Commitee)

    HUAC was created in 1938, and investigated disloyalty, specifically in Hollywood.
  • The Yalta Conference

    The Yalta Conference
    In Feburary of 1945, the major world powers talked about the fate of Germany after the war and splitting it up into four sections.
  • The United Nations Founded

    In April, 1945, an international peace keeping organization that eventually failed because the United States did not join.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt Dies

    He died as a result of poor health and left Truman to be president.
  • Truman was elected

    Truman took over Roosevelt's term in office until he was reelected in 1948.
  • Potsdam Conference

    In July, 1945, Truman got word of the atom bomb, and tried to intimidate Stalin by mentioning a 'powerful weapon' the U.S. had developed.
  • Churchill's Iron Curtain Speech

    Churchill made a speech at Westminster College in Missouri, and encouraged the U.S. to prevent the spread of communism.
  • The Truman Doctrine

    in March 1947, through this doctrine, he established a policy to help other countries to stay out of communism.
  • Marshall Plan

    Secretary of State, George C. Marshall made a request to Europe to make a program to recover economically from the war, then the U.S. would give the financial aid required to do so. This occured in June 1947.
  • Hollywood 10 Hearings

    HUAC requested 43 people to come testify about "communist infiltration of the motion picture industry." This happened in October of 1947.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Britan, France, and the U.S. combined their parts of Germany, causing Russia to become intimidated and block off Berlin. We flew supplies to Berlin until May 12, 1949.
  • Soviets Test the A-Bomb

    Soviets Test the A-Bomb
    In August 1948, the United States was shocked when this occured; we did not expect the soviets to have nuclear weapons so soon.
  • NATO

    In April, 1949, Canada and the U.S. joined NATO in order to gain collective security. It stands for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
  • Korean war begins

    McArthur landed troops in North West Korea in September, 1950.
  • McCarran-Walter Pact

    In January, 1952, a law established system for each country based on quotas that discriminated against immigrants from Asia and Europe was written and proposed to the government. However, Truman voted against it, saying it was un-american.
  • Korean war ends

    A truce was signed to end the war in Korea in January of 1953.
  • Rosenberg's Exexution

    Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were killed in the electric chair in June of 1953 after being convicted oif conspiracy to commit espionage.
  • Warsaw Pact

    In 1955, the soviet union responded to NATO, by forming this. It is a military alliance with the soviet union and it's satellite nations in Eastern Europe.
  • Vietnam war begins

    In November 1955, there was direct combat for the first time.
  • Suez Crises

    Gamal Abdel Nasser took over Egypt, who decided that the Suez Canal should be under Egypt's control. This was in October 1956.
  • Sputnik was launched

    The soviets launched the first satellite to orbit earth, in January of 1957, and americans were mortified because they were scientifically beat.
  • Eisenhower Doctrine

    In December 1957, Eisenhower stated that and state could request assistance from the United States if it's independance was threatened.
  • U-2 Incident

    In May 1960, the soviets shot down an american U-2 spy plane.
  • Kennedy becomes president

    In Novenber 1960, Kennedy became president - the youngest man to ever be president.
  • Peace Corps established

    Kennedy founded this In March of 1961, through an executive order to "promote world peace and friendship."
  • Bay of Pigs

    This was an unseccessful attempt by the U.S. to overthrow Cuba's government, run by Osvaldo Dorticos Torrado. This was in April of 1961.
  • Berlin Wall is built

    The wall was built to separate East and West Berlin by the German Democratic Republic (East Germany). This was in August of 1961.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Regarded as the moment where we were closest to a nuclear war. It was a 13 day confrontationbetween the soviet union, Cuba, and the U.S. This was in October of 1962.
  • JFK assassination

    JFK assassination
    He was shot in a motorcate while driving through Dealy plaza in Dallas, Texas.
  • Johnson becomes president

    He was sworm in the day that JFK was assassinated.
  • Nixon becomes President

    In January of 1969, Nixon takes the oath of office as the 37th president.
  • Strategic Arms Limitation Talks

    The first series of these talks were started in November of 1969.
  • Vietnam war ends

    In January 1973, the signing of the Paris Peace accords occured, and Nixon announced the end of U.S. involvment in Vietnam.
  • Germany is Reunified

    East and West Germany are reunited after 40 years.
  • Cold War Ends

    The cold war officially ended when the U.S.S.R. finally collapsed.