Cold war tv series cnn

The Cold War Timeline

  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    The Jappanese attack the U.S in Hawaii, getting the U.S to join in the cold war.
  • NATO

    NATO was formed as an agreement not a treaty.
    It made many European countries ally with the U.S basically sayin you fight one of us you fight all of us.
  • Baby Boomers & G.I Bill

    Baby Boomers & G.I Bill
    During the 195os veterans came home to their families of came home and made families. The Birthdates were higher than ever!
    also in this time the U.S economy helped raise millions and made it to where veterans could use their G.I Bills and attend college and get aspecific amaound of money for their living expenses
  • Segrigation in Schools Abolished

    Segrigation in Schools Abolished
    The Supreme Court ruled in Brown v. Board of education segrigation in public schools would come to an end.
  • Martin Luther KING Jr.

    Martin Luther KING Jr.
    martin luther king jr. became known, when he led a boy cott of the segragated bus system in Alebama. King was awarded the Nobel peace prize in 1964, but was later assassinated four years later.
  • Women's Rights Movement

    Women's Rights Movement
    This movement actually went to the 70s aswell. Women fighting to be socially, politically, and economically.
  • Richard Nixon Becomes President

    Richard Nixon Becomes President
    Nixon saught what he called reduced tension between the superpowers. He wanted to negotiate.
  • Ronald Reagan President

    Ronald Reagan President
    Reagan took the aggressive approach with the Soviet Union. threatening with missles.
  • Revolution In Eastern Europe

    Revolution In Eastern Europe
    Revolution spread across the region as the citizens came forward to overthrow their soviet union.
  • The U.S Economy

    The U.S Economy
    The U.S was doing good and unemplayment was low .