The Creation and Understanding of Earth and Life Forms.

  • 5 BYA

    5 BYA
    The solar system was made up of gas and dust. It was starting to be created.
  • 4.6 BYA

    4.6 BYA
    Earth began to form by collinding with space debris.
  • 4 BYA

    4 BYA
    Earth stopped the collisions with space debris and cooled down and organic molecules began to accumulate.
  • 3.5 BYA

    3.5 BYA
    The basic divisions of Earth were formed.
  • 3 BYA

    3 BYA
    The first known continent was formed.
  • 2.2 BYA

    2.2 BYA
    The Earth looks the way it does today.
  • 2 BYA-1.5 BYA

    Plants were being formed.
  • 1655

    Robert Hooke: studied nature by using an early light microscope.
  • 17th Century

    17th Century
    Redi's Experiment: Used two jars of meat; one closed, one opened to show that life doesn't form outta nowhere. To show that spontaneous generation isn't real.
  • 1700s

    Spallanzani's Experiment: Tested the hypothesis on spontaneous generation with broth in flasks to prove it's not true. One was opened and one was closed.
  • Mid 1800s

    Mid 1800s
    Pasteur's Experiment: Controlled Spallanzani's experiment and proved to everyone that spontaneous generation isn't true.
  • 1920s

    Oparin's Hypothesis: Organic compounds could enter complex chemical reactions fueled by energy from lightening and UV radiation. These reactions would have resulted in the macromolecules essential to life such as proteins.
  • 1952

    Radiometric Dating: method of establishing somethinsg age
  • 1953

    Urey and Miller: used Oparin/s hypothesis in an experiment and produced organic compunds and amino acids.
  • 1960's

    Lynn Margulis: She created the theory on the orgin of eukareotic organelles.
  • 1970

    Fox: Proved chemical reactions could occur spontaneously from nonliving organisms.
  • 1980's

    Thomas Cech: found that RNA can act as a chemical catalyst.