The Dark Ages

  • 476

    The Fall of Rome

    After Visigothes take over Western Rome the Empire finally collapses.
  • Period: 476 to Jan 1, 1300

    The Middle Ages

  • 541

    Justinian's Plague is first reported by Byzantine historian Procopius.

    It originated in China. It reached Constantinople through ships with rats and fleas. It reached an all-time high of 10,000 deaths per day. It lasted until 542 A.D. It returned in 588A.D. and lasted until 700 A.D.
  • 570

    Muhammad is Born

    The Muslim prothet is born.
  • Jun 8, 632

    Muhammad dies

    The death of the Muslim prophet. He died of high fever in Yathrib, Arabia.
  • Oct 10, 732

    Battle of Tours

    It was a battle between the Franks and the Moors. The Moors were Muslim soldiers that wanted to spread Islam North into Western Europe. The Franks knew they had to stop the Muslims and so they did. The leader of the Franks was Charles "Hammer" Martel. The leader of the Moors was ‘Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi.
  • Nov 27, 1095

    The First Crusade

    It was launched by Pope Urban II, it was an attempt to take back the Holy Land from the Muslims. It ended in July 1099, when the Christians took over Jerusalem.
  • Jan 1, 1145

    The Second Crusade

    It was a response to the fall of Edessa to Zengi in 1044. It was launched by Pope Eugene III and was the first to ever be led by European Kings ( King Louis VII of France and King Conrad III of Germany). The Crusade was a failure.
  • Jan 1, 1189

    Kings' Crusade

    Also known as the Third Crusade. It was an attempt by European Leaders to reconquer the Holy Land from the Saladin. It was mostly successful but fell short of reconquering Jerusalem, in 1192.
  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    It was signed by King John of England, to limit his power.
  • Charlamagne

    He began his reign as Franks, and would later become Emperor of the Romans in 800 until his death in January 28, 814.