The Declaration of Independence

  • New King

    George III is now king.
  • Tensions are building between America and Britian

    The tension between America and the Mother Country are building rapidly.
  • The Stamp Act

    The British imposed a new tax called the Stamp Act which taxed all paper documents from the new America. The British did this so they could generate revenue from the new colonies, but the Americans saw this as unconsitutional.
  • Townshend Acts

    The Townshend Acts taxed glass, lead, paints, paper and tea imported into the colonies.
    A series of four acts.
  • Boston Massacre

  • The Tea Act of 1773

    The Tea Act of 1773
    The Tea Act was supposed to help prop up the East India Company because they had 18 million pounds of unsold tea. In colonial America, the Townshend Acts were still in place therefore causing the colonists to be mad.
  • The British Are Coming!

    British forces march their way to Concord to capture Samuel Adams and John Hancock
  • The American Revolution

    The American Revolution
  • The Declaration of Independce

    The Declaration of Independce
    The Delcaration of Independce was amended and signed by Congress on this day.
  • Last Signing of Declaration

    Colonel Thomas McKean signs the declaration since he was not there when the other representatives signed it.
  • The American Revolution Ends