The Evolution of Democracy

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    700-350 BCE
    3 branches:
    Ekklesia- wrote laws
    Boule- council representitives
    Dikesteria- the popular courts where citizens argued cases before a group of lottery jurors
    Citizens of Greece were
    Male 18+
    Born in Greece (parents had to be too)
    Had to own land
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    Early days, power laid in the hands of upper class- Patrician
    They ruled over lower class- Plebs
    Plebs rebelled and won rights
    Plebs helped create a new democratic institution called Senate
    Only patricians could be senators but people had a say in the republic
    Must be:
    -had to be free
    -women were not citizens
  • Mar 19, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    Outlined a number of provisions where the power of the monachy would be restricted and the rights of citizens safeguarded
    The king could not:
    -steal firewood from from other lands
    -force widow to re-marry
    -force knights to pay money to excuse them from guarding the castle
    -confiscated horses and/or carts
    -force villagers to build bridges over rivers
    king can no longer do whatever he wanted
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    -Created the first true democracy
    -Americans could vote and the powers of government were restricted so that no one branch could have to much power
    -If one branch tried to abuse his power, the other two could over ride it
    -Women could not vote until 1919
    -1787 the US made provisions for slaves
    -African americans wereworth 3/5 of a white person and could not vote
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    -Middle class france rose to overthrow their monarch
    -In the end, those who championed liberty were corrupted (by power?)
    - Power fell to the military dictator, Napolean, who tried to use his new power to take over all of Europe
  • Communism

    -Vladamir Lenin was able to overthrow the Russian Tzar
    -Through purges and starvation, the KGB and the Gulag stalin kills between 20-30 million russian
    Stalin plummets the world into tthe cold war
  • Facism

    -Benito Mussilini used brutal force and his newly formed black shirts to keep order
  • Nazism

    A young ex army corporal and former homeless Austrian found his voice, and a following of people in the war torn and economically crippled Germany
  • United Nations

    United Nations
    UN recreated the declaration of human rights
    UN pledge that human beings have a right to live and work without abuse from governments
    All people are "born free and equal and that they all have the right to live, liberty and the security of person"