The Evolution of Technology

By 190070

    The ENIAC or (Electrical Numerical Integrator and Calculator) was finished June 26 1947. It was biult by Jhon Mauchly and Jhon Presper Eckert. 17,000 vacum tubes were used to biuld this project.
  • UNIVAC 1

    UNIVAC 1
    The UNIVAC 1 was the worlds first computer that was available for people to buy. Like the ENIAC it was also designed by Jhon Mauchly and Jhon Presper Eckert.

    Richard Grimsdale and Douglas Webb created the first transistorized computer in 1953. It's preformance was enhanced in1955. This computer used zero vacum tubes.
  • The Integrated Circuit

    The integrated circuit was designed by Jack Kilby. The chip lowered the cost of electrical functions on compters one million to one.
  • The First Computer Game

    The first popular computer game was called spacewar. It was created by Steve Russel. It was a two player game in which you would shoot missles at your opponent.
  • The First Mouse

    The First Mouse
    The mouse was invented in 1964 by Douglas Engelbart. He did not reveal his invention until 1968. People called it the mouse because the cord looked like the tail of a mouse.
  • ARPAnet

    This was the first form of internet. It was created during the cold war to send messages about nuclear bombs without being intercepeted. It was created by the Advanced Reasearch Projects Agency.
  • The Floppy Disk

    The Floppy Disk
    The floppy disk was invented by Alan Schugart. It was eight inches long and was called floppy because it was very flexible. The first floppy disk held one hundred KB of data.
  • Scelbi and Mark 8

    Scelbi was the first personel computer. It was designed by Scelbi Computer Consulting Company of Miford. It was a kit that you had to put together your self. Mark 8 was created by Jhonathan Titus. This was the second personal computer.
  • Apple Lisa

    Apple Lisa
    The Apple Lisa was the first home computer with a GUI. It was designed by Ken Rothmuller.
  • Microsoft Windows

    It was created by Microsoft cooporation led by Bill Gates. It was a new and much better opperating system.
  • Apple Macintosh

    The Apple Macintosh was designed by Steve Jobs. It waas the first affordable computer with a GUI.
  • Google Glass

    The google glass which was released in 2013 will become more common in the future. This uses augmented reality to allow you t use social media and acces gps routes just by looking in your glasses.
  • 3d Printers

    The 3D printer will eventually be improved to a state where you can manufature your own things. If you need something you can just print it.
  • Eye Tracking

    This Technology allows you to control a screen with your eyes. It will be used in the future to help the disabled use technology.