The History Of Computers

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    The Abacus

    The Abacus
    Known as the very first computer, the Abacus was a computer that solved arithmetic equations. In short it’s the first calculator
  • Napier Bones

    Napier Bones
    The Napier’s bones were a manually operating calculating device (multiplication).It was a set of ivory sticks. It was written in rabdology
  • Pascaline

    The Pascaline was the first calculator to be produced in quantity. It would help in addition.
  • Difference engine

    Difference engine
    The difference machine/analytical machine is a machine that was able to compute tables of numbers such as logarithm tables.
  • Hollerith desk

    Hollerith desk
    The very first automatic data processing machine. The machine was used to count the U.S census of 1890
  • The Harvard mark I

    The Harvard mark I
    The Harvard one was an electromechanical computer. It was the first programmable computer made in the U.S. It was used in the end of world war 2. It could also print mathematical tables
  • The Eniac

    The Eniac
    The Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer(ENIAC) was the first electronic general purpose computer. It was designed to make artillery firing tables for the United States Army's Ballistic Research Laboratory but it’s first programs were the studies of the thermonuclear weapon
  • Apple I

    Apple I
    The apple one was a simple computer that Steve Wozniak had deigned, you could play games, run programs and use the basic operating system. Steve Jobs had decided to sell it so that they could make a little bit of money
  • Apple II

    Apple II
    The apple 2 was a family of home computers. It was a major improvement over the apple I. Its new features were a, colour display, eight internal expansion slots, and a case with a keyboard.
  • Osborne 1

    Osborne 1
    The Osborne 1 was the first mass produced microprocessor portable computer. It was much larger and heavier than the computers we use today and had a very small screen
  • Mac-Book Pro

    Mac-Book Pro
    The Mac-book pro is a laptop that has many features, some include a keyboard, high definition colours, the internet, the ability to save files (from work such as Microsoft word), to play games and a lot more