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The history of Facebook

  • Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg

    Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg
    The biggest world social networking programme was started as a photo collection of the Havard students. However six day after he launched, he was accused by three seniors.
  • The programme expanded

    This programme expanded to Stanford, Yale and Columbia and soon it opened to other Ivy League schools and gradually most universties in Canada and the US. Today almost 800 million people in the world use Facebook.
  • News Feed and Mini Feed are introduced

    The founder and CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerburg invented News Feed and Mini Feed to give information directly to their users
  • The facebook's share

    Microsoft announced that it had purchased a 1.6% share of Facebook for $240 million
  • Facebook launched in Spanish and French

  • Facebook gets $ 200 million investment

    The Russian investment group Digital Sky Technologies made huge investment so that they would receive 1.96% equity stake in the company in the form of preferred stock at a valuation of $10 billion.
    At this time there had used be a financial rumour, but this investment got rid of the rumour.
  • More people visited Facebook than Google for the week ending

    At that time, about 500 milion people used Facebook and it's users had grown about 150 people in a day.