
The History of Graffiti Art

  • Modern Graffiti

    Modern Graffiti
    Modern graffiti began to apear in philadelphia in 1960's. In the 1970's graffiti began to gain attention when people would tag or write there names on city buildings.
  • subway wars

    subway wars
    In the 1970's gang rivarlies where big. Gangs tagged everywhere and anywhere there gang sign or symbol to mark their territory.
  • Period: to

    The "throw up"

    The style of using two different paint layers began to become popular. Painters also would paint a master piece across a whole train carrigae. This time period is also when complex letter began to form and creativity expanded.
  • The 80's

    The 80's
    During the 80's graffiti beacome associated with hip hop this captured the youth culture. In 1982 a film, Stlye wars, changed graffiti for the worse. In the film it implied that graffiti was more than art, it was a crime and used to get messages across for more serious crimes.
  • The 90's

    The 90's
    Graffiti is now seen as a felony. The Graffiti Interrail Movemnent is desig=gnrd it thats when writers would travel across the world drawing pictures of different cities. In Europe subways get painted by locals and people from all over the world. This time period is when internet became popular so artist would share there work online but soon would be arrested for the crime.
  • 2000-2002

    Mass production of art products and access to to the internet to see pictures all over the world, new styles and techniques became to evolve very quickly. Many artist from around the world return the graffiti to the subways not so much on the street.
  • Banksy

    Banksy and others who were street artist change the perception on graffiti once again. There art work gained attention and soon was displayed in art gallaries.
  • 7/7 Lomdon bombing

    7/7 Lomdon bombing
    Because of the bombings secrity was increased for protection and the removal of graffiti was huge. Subways and trains were cleaned to reduce the risk of terrorism or any other serious crimes that could be associated with graffiti messages.
  • 2006

    Becasue of the internet graffiti grows smaller in Aisa and other countries. Pop up street art was created. Like 3D images creating an illusion to the eye.
  • The future

    The future
    In Europe pulling the emergency brake while the train is in service so that they could paint becomes increasinly poplular. But in other areas graffiti is seen as a crime and is to be intimadating to the public.
  • Ancient Rome and Greece

    Ancient Rome and Greece
    Next peopl who exposed graffiti was theAnceint Romans and Greeks. They would write names and peoms on there buildings. They also used to get religion ou and how everday life was. And to expose there latin language.
  • Stone age

    Stone age
    The first people to ever write on walls were cavemen. The painted pictures an symbols to communicate with others. There pictures and symbols told stories, let others knw that that oerson was there, or record events that happened.