The History of Microscopes

By cpan
  • Simple compound microscope is invented.

    Simple compound microscope is invented.
    Zaccharias Janssen and his son Hans invented the first simple compound microscope with 2 lenses.
  • The term "cells" are used for the first time.

    The term "cells" are used for the first time.
    Robert Hooke cut a thin slice of cork and when he looked at it under a microscope, he saw chambers which reminded him of the small rooms where monks lived and called them cells.
  • Simple Microscope with one lens is invented.

    Simple Microscope with one lens is invented.
    Anton Van Leeuwen Hoek was a dutch merchant. He experimented with grinding lenses and ended up creating the Simple Microscope. He is considered " The Father of Microscopy" and built over 240 different microscopes. He was the first to see and describe microorganisms under a microscope and called them "tiny animalcules".